About the Review Special Listings Page

The below image shows a sample of the Review Special Listings page for a patient.

Review Special Listings Page

The Review Special Listings page displays the following information:

  • Visit — Displays the name and date of the visit.
  • CRF Name — Displays the name of the case report form.
  • Row — Displays the number of the row that contains the response. This value is useful if the question group is repeating. Note that if the question is non-repeating, the row number is always 1.
  • Verbatim Term — Displays the exact wording entered in response to the special question in the CRF section.
  • Auxiliary Information — Displays the set of all other questions and responses related to the special question.
  • Open CRF — Displays an icon that you can select to open the CRF and view complete information about the special question.