Maintaining Regions

In this module, you can create and maintain records of geographical regions and the structure of regions within regions. To reach the window, from the Plan menu, select Regions. Information you enter is stored in the Maintain Regions module in the Regions and Regions Components database tables.

For more information, see:

Deleting a Region

You can delete a region from either of the Maintain Regions windows. When you delete a region, the system deletes any region components linked to it (Made From or Part Of). If you try to delete an active region—that is, one assigned to a clinical study, you get an error message, "Deletion not allowed, assigned to Clinical Studies." You receive a similar message if the region is used elsewhere in the system.

Updating a Region

Occasionally you may need to update or change a region or one of its attributes. You cannot update a region in the Part of Region window or the Region Contains window. You can only insert and delete "part of" regions or "contained" regions in these windows.

To update a region:

  1. From the Plan menu, select Regions.
  2. Query for criteria about the region you want to update.
    • Click the Clear Field button to remove the field's contents, or just type over the existing text.

    • Enter new information in the field.

  3. Save your work by clicking the Commit button.

Maintaining Region Components

This Maintain Regions window has two buttons:

  • Regions This One is a Part Of – Lists the regions, including the current region.
  • Regions Within This Region – Lists the regions composing the selected region.

You can use region components to further refine the organization of your regions. The Region Components window records the regions of which a region is a part. To open the Maintain Region Components window, from the Plan menu, select Regions, then select Regions This One is a Part Of button.

For more information, see:

Maintaining Parent Regions

You can only assign or remove "parent" regions in the Maintain Regions This One is a Part Of window; to create new regions or modify them, click the Exit button to return to the Maintain Regions window. As it appears, this window lists the existing regions in order of region code. Note that you can insert and delete in this window, but not update.

Maintaining Child Regions

To maintain regions within this region, from the Plan menu, select Regions, then select the Regions Within This Region button. The Region <region name> window displays the regions this region currently includes. Use the list function to choose available values. You can only assign or remove "child" regions in this window; to create new regions or modify them, click the Exit button to return to the Maintain Regions window.