Logging In

A session starts when you log into Oracle Clinical and ends when you log off. When you log in, you establish a connection between your browser and an Oracle Clinical Web Server. The Web Server moves information between you and the Oracle Clinical database. Follow these steps to start a session:

  1. Open the Oracle Clinical launch page in your Web browser. Your system administrator can supply the hyperlink. By default, if you're connecting to a computer named oc1 and your intranet's link named mycompany.com, the link looks like this:
  2. Click Login. You might be prompted to download and install a required browser plug-in. If so, install the plug-in, then return to these instructions.
    Clicking the Login button triggers a series of activities in the background. First, a small window opens. If you close this window you disrupt your connection to parts of the application, so don't close it until you end your Oracle Clinical session. Next, login dialog box is displayed.
  3. Complete the login dialog box fields according to the information supplied by your system administrator.
  4. Click Connect. An Oracle Clinical session opens, displaying the Navigation window.