Troubleshooting batch jobs

When the batch job goes wrong, see the following:


Errors can occur at different stages: the job cannot be submitted to the Reports Server, the job is in queue, there is an error running the master report, or there is an error while running the target report.

  1. Job cannot be submitted to the Reports Server: If you got failure message alert when job submitted and get error message Unable to connect, there is either a problem connecting to the Reports Server from the submitting computer or the Reports Server is down.

    • The Reports Server specification is the field below and to the right of the Reports Server code that you enter on the Reports Server.
    • Check that the Reports Server specification is correct with administrator. If not, administrator should change it in the Reports Server local reference codelist.
  2. Check status using Job Status screen.

    • If it says RS_SUBMITFAILED, then there is a problem connecting to the Reports Server. and you should have gotten an error message when submitted.
    • Reports Queue: If it says RS_SUBMIT, then it is still in queue. To look at position in queue, Action=>Report Queue Manager.
    • If status says STARTED, it should be started and in the process of running. This can be verified by looking at the Reports Queue Manager.
    • If status has word FAIL, then press View Log. If a log file appears, then it should tell you the problem. Also, you can look at the Failure Message field on the Job Status screen, although usually this will be too general to help.
  3. If no log file appears, it could be a problem with the master report or with directory set up. Directory set up problem is particularly likely if first time running a report.

    • To check the master report, check the Report Queue Manager log screen (Admin=>Reports Queue Manager, enter Reports Server code, find report in question).


For information, see the "Setting Up Batch Job File Viewing" section of the "Setting Up File and Image Viewing" chapter in the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide.