Install Oracle Application Developer Framework (ADF)

Install Oracle Application Developer 12c R2, also known as ADF.

  1. In the staging area where you downloaded the media pack (see Download the Software) locate the Oracle Application Development Runtime directory where you extracted the ADF .zip file.
  2. If you have not done so already, log in as the user you selected in Identify a Single Account to Perform All Application Tier Installation Tasks.
  3. In a DOS Command window, navigate to the above directory.
  4. Execute the following command:

    setup -jreLoc drive:\location_where_you_installed_jdk1.8.0_251

    for example:

    setup -jreLoc C:\app\Java\jdk180251

    However, if you installed JDK in the default location, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_65, this command may not work because of the space between "Program" and "Files." The following command works for the same location:

    setup -jreLoc C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk180251


    ADF’s setup.exe file does not run if you double-click it. You must use the above command.
  5. Follow instructions on the Installer screens.


    If you see the message "WLS installation detected, WebLogic Server support available in this Middleware Home." Press Next to continue the installation.