Test Connectivity to Databases for Forms and Reports Servers

The Oracle Clinical database must be able to communicate with the application servers.

For more information, see:

Test the Connection from the Application Servers to the Database

To ensure that you can connect to the database from each application server:

  1. Open a Microsoft DOS command window.
  2. Use SQL*Plus to verify that you can connect to the database:
    sqlplus system/password@dbname

Troubleshoot Network Connection Issues

If the system returns a connection error, you must resolve this problem before continuing with the installation of Oracle Clinical.

Possible causes of errors include:

  • The computer is not physically connected to the network.
  • One of the databases does not exist.
  • The network protocol software is not loaded on the computer. Try a remote login to check.
  • The database or SQL*Net listener process is not started on the server.
  • An incorrect connect string (service name), user ID, or password was entered.
  • The tnsnames.ora file is not present in the correct directory or does not contain the correct entries.