Install Oracle Clinical Database Objects

To add Oracle Clinical database objects to this database, follow the instruction mentioned below:


Make sure that you have installed the latest CPU certified for release 5.4 before performing any of the instructions below. For information on the latest certified CPU, see Oracle Health Sciences Applications Supported Technology Stack (Document ID 180430.1) on My Oracle Support > section Oracle Health Sciences Critical Patch Updates (CPU) Notes in the PDF file.

Customize the Installation

Before you install database objects, you may want to modify some of the default SQL scripts used by the Installer.

  • Edit the Tablespace Size Scripts: The Installer creates several new tablespaces with default sizes. To create larger databases, you can edit two scripts. The default value is an autoextend of 1MB and an unlimited maximum size.

    To create larger databases in UNIX, edit the following scripts:



  • Edit the User Account Creation Script: The Installer prompts to create accounts in this database. If you select Yes, the Installer runs a script that creates default guest accounts.

    Before running the Installer, edit the rxcdba4.sql script to customize the accounts that get created and their default settings:


    See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for more information about enrolling users.

  • Create a Secret Store Directory

    Create a directory that is accessible to the opapps user and different from the Oracle Wallet location.

    Example location: /pharm/home/opapps/sec_store/db_name

    The Installer fails if this directory is not created before running the Installer.

Check for an ORA-29548 Error

  1. Log in to the UNIX server computer as the opapps user.
  2. Set the UNIX environment:
    opa_setup database_name code_environment
  3. Connect to SQL*Plus as the SYS user:
    sqlplus sys/password
  4. Run the following command to check for the ORA-29548 error:
    select dbms_java.get_jdk_version() from dual;

    If no error appears and the command retrieves the JDK version, skip to Gather Required Information.

    If you see the following error, continue with the next step to fix it:

    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29548: Java system class reported: release of classes.bin in the database
    does not match that of the oracle executable
  5. To correct the ORA-29548 error, run the following script:
    start update_javavm_db.sql

Gather Required Information

Have the following information ready to enter in the Installer:


You must install the Oracle Clinical database server before you install or upgrade the Oracle Clinical database.
  1. Home Details: The ORACLE_HOME location where you installed Oracle Database 19c (

    For example: /app/oracle/product/

  2. OPA Home: the directory where Oracle Clinical will be installed; Oracle recommends:


  3. SAS View: the directory where Oracle Clinical will generate SAS views; Oracle recommends:
    • UNIX: $OPA_HOME/sas_view
    • Windows: %OPA_HOME%\sas_view


    The upgrade Installer does not prompt for this value.
  4. Service name for the database to be installed
  5. Know if you plan to use either Automatic Storage Management (ASM) or Real Application Clusters (RAC). This affects the Installer behavior for validating tablespaces.
  6. Location for tablespace datafiles. You can change the default sizes by editing the script before running the Installer; see Customize the Installation.
  7. Location and password for the Wallet created during Oracle Clinical database server installation to store credentials for OCPSUB and RXC_DISC_REP.
  8. You will need to enter passwords for the following:
    • SYS
    • SYSTEM
    • RXC_MAA
    • RXC_PD
    • RXC_REP
    • OPA
    • RXC
    • TMS
    • RXA_DES
    • RXA_LR
    • OCPSUB
    • RXA_WS


      When you upgrade a database, the Installer does not prompt for the following passwords. For new installations, it does prompt for the following passwords.
    • RXA_READ
    • RXA_RAND


      For information on changing the passwords for these accounts on a regular basis to avoid expiration, see the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide.
  9. A database seed number between 1 and 99. Each database in an Oracle Clinical installation (or group of databases that are replicating with each other) must have a unique seed starting number.
  10. Database host name and port number.
  11. Global library code. There can be only one Global Library location. If you have only one database, this value should be the same as the database host name. If you have multiple databases, enter the host name for the database designated as the Global Library location.
  12. Location of the secret store folder you created in Create a Secret Store Directory.

Start Installing the Oracle Clinical Database


See Use the Silent Installer (Optional) for instructions for running the Installer as a file with pre-entered parameter values.


Although there is a button for deinstalling products on the Welcome screen, Oracle does not support using the Installer to deinstall Oracle Clinical or Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture (RDC) Onsite.

For more information, see:

Start the Installer on a UNIX Server

To start installing the Oracle Clinical database:

  1. Log in to the server computer as the opapps user.
  2. Change the primary group of the opapps account to the group that owns the Oracle Inventory:


    Make a note of the current group so that you can set it back after the installation.

    newgrp inst_group

    where inst_group is the name of the group that owns the Oracle Inventory. You specified the name during the Oracle Database 19c Release ( installation. Typically, this user group is oinstall.

    This temporary change is necessary so that the Installer can update the Oracle Inventory.

  3. Set the X Window display output to the IP address of your local computer. Use the standard format for IP addresses. For example:

    setenv DISPLAY

  4. In the staging area, locate the directory where you downloaded Oracle Clinical (see Download the Software) and extract the .zip file if you have not already done so.
  5. Navigate to this location:


  6. Change protections on files to 755.

    chmod 755 *

  7. Start the Installer:
    • Non-RAC Installation:

      Or, if the database server has multiple Oracle Homes, then enter:

      ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc

      For example:

      ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc /u01/app/oracle/product/
    • RAC Installation:
      ./runInstaller -local

      Or, if the database server has multiple Oracle Homes, then enter:

      ./runInstaller -local -invPtrLoc ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc

      For example:

      ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc /u01/app/oracle/product/
  8. In the Select a Product to Install page, select OC Database Install
  9. Follow the instructions on the installation screens, providing the information you assembled in Gather Required Information.

Remove Group Privileges from this Session

Recall that before you started this installation on UNIX, you changed the primary group of the opapps account to the group that owns the Oracle Inventory (see Start Installing the Oracle Clinical Database). This temporary change was necessary so that the Installer could update the Oracle Inventory.

  1. To reset the privileges for the opapps account, enter the following command:
    newgrp group

    where group is the name of your original primary group for the opapps account.

Review the Installation Log Files

During the installation of an Oracle Health Sciences component, the Oracle Universal Installer generates a log file named installActions.log. Earlier files have a timestamp appended to the name.

  1. Review the generated installation log files located at:

    For example:


  2. Check the following log files for error messages and invalid objects:
    • oclinst_database_service.log
    • reall_database_service.log
    • oclconfig_database_service.log
    • flt_seeddata_database_service_timestamp.log
    • html_dialg_templ_database_service_timestamp.log
    • html_blob_seeddata_database_service_timestamp.log
    • xmlp_clob_seeddata_database_service_timestamp.log
    • xml_clob_seeddata_database_service_timestamp.log
    • compile_all_invalid_database_service.log
    • load_olsardcstatemachine_jar_database_service.log
    • install_database_service_timestamp.log
    • opaconnectcheck_system_database_service.log