Install the Oracle Clinical Database Server

This section describes how to install and set up the Oracle Clinical database server.

The Oracle Universal Installer performs the following operations:

  • Creates the Oracle Clinical directory structure (see Oracle Clinical Database Server Directory Structure for Windows for details).
  • Installs the Oracle Clinical database server.
  • Sets permissions on directories.
  • Creates and modifies environment setup files.
  • Creates an Oracle Wallet to store credentials for OCPSUB.
  • Creates a directory for storing the SAS files.

For more information, see:

Gather Required Information on Oracle Clinical Database Server for Windows

Have the following information ready to enter in the Installer:

  1. Home Details: The ORACLE_HOME location where you installed Oracle Database 19c (

    For example: drive:\app\oracle\product\\dbhome_1

  2. OPA Home: The directory where Oracle Clinical will be installed. Oracle recommends:
  3. SAS View: The directory where Oracle Clinical will generate SAS views. Oracle recommends:
  4. Oracle Wallet location and password: The Installer uses these to create the database Wallet in the location you specify. The database Wallet stores the password for the OCPSUB proxy account, which is used for database access for parameterized submission (PSUB) jobs. Its credentials are created in the Wallet on the database server during Oracle Clinical database installation.


    If you have already created a Wallet through a previous installation of Oracle Clinical 5.0 or higher, you can continue using it instead of creating a new one by entering the location and password for the existing Wallet.

Install the Oracle Clinical 5.4 Database Server for Windows

  1. Log in to the server computer using the opapps account.
  2. In the staging area, locate the directory where you downloaded and extracted Oracle Clinical (see Download the Software).
  3. Run the following file as an administrator:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.


    See Use the Silent Installer (Optional) for instructions for running the Installer as a file with pre-entered parameter values.


    Although there is a button for deinstalling products on the Welcome screen, Oracle does not support using the Installer to deinstall Oracle Clinical or Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture (RDC) Onsite.
  4. In the Select a Product to Install page, select OC Server for Windows
  5. Follow the instructions on the installation screens, providing the information you assembled in Gather Required Information on Oracle Clinical Database Server for Windows.

Save the Installation Information

At the end of the installation, the installer screen displays the:

  • Location of the OPA_HOME directory
  • Location of the OPA_HOME\bin directory
  • Name of the code environment

Make note of this information because you need it for several post-installation tasks.

Review the Installation Log Files

  1. Review the generated installation log files located at:

    For example:

    C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs

Work with Oracle Health Sciences Support, if necessary, to resolve any errors.

Oracle Clinical Database Server Directory Structure for Windows

The Installer creates the following directory structure:

            \bin      (Executables)
            \dcd      (Data Collection Definition)
            \des      (Design)
            \dm       (Data Management)
            \dx       (Data Extract)
            \glib     (Global Library)
            \install  (Install and upgrade scripts)
            \log      (PSUB log files)
            \lr       (Lab Ranges)
            \patch    (Patches to Oracle Clinical)
            \pd       (Procedure Definition)
            \psub     (Parameterized Submission process)
            \release  (Server code release marker)
            \tools    (Miscellaneous tools)

Note that OPA_HOME refers to the root installation directory of Oracle Clinical, RDC, and TMS, which were formerly known as Oracle Pharmaceutical Applications (OPA). You specify the root installation directory when you install the Oracle Clinical database server. Oracle recommends drive:\opapps.