Perform Database Post-Installation Tasks

To complete the installation of your Oracle Clinical database, perform the following tasks:

Set the Database Time Zone

The Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite (RDC Onsite) application uses the dbtimezone value for internal calculations when the Display timestamps in local timezone preference is set.

Oracle recommends setting time zone to a named location rather than a numeric offset so that standard and daylight time adjustments are made automatically.

You can find valid named location strings in the V$TIMEZONE_NAMES view. For example, to find a time zone in the United States, enter the following query:

SELECT distinct tzname
  WHERE tzname like 'US/%'

To set the time zone in the database:

  1. Connect to the database as any user that has ALTER DATABASE privileges.
  2. Enter the following command:

    alter database set time_zone='tzname_value’;

    For example:

    alter database set time_zone='US/Eastern’;

Pin Database Packages

To improve performance, some of Oracle Clinical's packages are pin-able packages. Pinning allocates a stable memory location so that a package cannot be subjected to being swapped out of memory. Oracle Clinical provides the rxcdbinit.sql script to pin the database packages.

To pin the database packages located on a Windows server:

  1. Log in to the Windows server computer as an administrator.
  2. Set the Windows environment:

    set p1=database

    set p2=54


    where database is the name of this database instance, and 54 is the alias for the version of Oracle Clinical.

  3. Change to the drive where Oracle Clincal is installed. For example:
    cd %RXC_INSTALL%
  4. Start an SQL*Plus session, and connect to the database in the RXC account:
    sqlplus rxc/password
  5. Run the rxcdbinit.sql script to pin the database packages:
    start rxcdbinit.sql

If you are continuing the installation, note that you perform the next task in this environment.

Consider Implementing Partitioning

  1. Partition the Oracle Clinical RESPONSES table, which contains all patient data entered for all studies in an Oracle Clinical installation.
    See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for more information.