Set Up the opapps User Account and the oclsascr User Group

Before you install Oracle Clinical database server, create the following user group and account:

Create the oclsascr User Group

If you use SAS integrated with Oracle Clinical, you must create the oclsascr user group, which controls access to the files Oracle Clinical generates on the database server for SAS. These include SAS data extract files, which contain patient data.

  1. Use Windows Administrative Tools to create a new Global Group in your Domain named oclsascr.

    See the Oracle Database 19.3.0 Installation Guide for Windows chapter "Configuring Users, Groups and Environments for Oracle Database" at

Create the opapps Account and Add It to Groups

Create the opapps operating system account that owns Oracle Clinical. This account also has the privileges to run the parameterized submission (PSUB) service RXCPSDPS and the PSUB Launcher (PSLAUNCH). The opapps home directory on the database server, for example Drive:\opapps, is referred to as OPA_HOME in Oracle Clinical documentation.

  1. Create the opapps operating system account.
  2. Using Windows administrative tools, assign opapps to the following user groups:
    • ORA_DBA


      Beginning in Oracle Clinical 5.0, no other accounts need to be added to the oclsascr user group.