Set Permissions


You might have to perform these steps whenever you apply an HSGBU-approved Critical Patch Update, or any Oracle software that uses the Oracle Database ORACLE_HOME directory.

After you install Oracle Database and before you install the Oracle Clinical component, you must:

Change Permissions for Running oraenv Script

With the Bourne shell, you use the Oracle environment-setting script (oraenv) when granting write access to the ORACLE_HOME directory.

However, the oraenv script gives an error if run by a non-Oracle user. To avoid this error:

  1. Set the following directory and file permissions:
    drwxrwxr-x  18 oracle    oinstall  1024 Apr 11 19:11 inventory
    drwxrwxr-x   3 oracle    oinstall  1024 Apr 11 18:29 ContentsXML
    -rwxrwxrwx   1 oracle    oinstall   492 Apr 11 13:15 oraclehomeproperties.xml

Grant Access to the ORACLE_HOME Directory

Because the Oracle Clinical Installer checks if the ORACLE_HOME directory exists and if it has write access, you must change the access settings for this directory before you install Oracle Clinical.

To grant write access to the ORACLE_HOME directory and its contents:

  1. Log in to the server as the oracle user.
  2. Find the Oracle environment-setting script to define ORACLE_HOME:
    • For C shell, use coraenv.
    • For Bourne shell, use oraenv.

    These shell scripts are located under your Oracle Database 19c ( installation.

    Note that the oraenv script gives an error if run by a non-Oracle user. To avoid this error, see Change Permissions for Running oraenv Script.

  3. Grant group users modification access to all files in the ORACLE_HOME directory:
    chmod -R g+rw $ORACLE_HOME

    If you receive any warning messages, you can ignore them.

Set Permissions for the Oracle Inventory Directory

To set the permissions for the Oracle Inventory (oraInventory) directory:

  1. Log in to the server as the oracle user.
  2. Locate the path for the oraInventory directory. The location is defined in the inventory_loc parameter in the /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc file.
    For example, suppose you enter:

    more /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc

    The system might return the oraInventory location as:


  3. Give recursive read and write permission for the oraInventory directory to the group:
    chmod -R g+rw /oraInventory_location

    For example:

    chmod -R g+rw /u01/app/oraInventory

    If you receive any warning messages, you can ignore them.

  4. Modify protections on the oraInventory directory to ensure that the group you set up as the oinstall group has write access:
    chmod -R g+w oraInventory

    Use oinstall instead of dba because the dba group membership gives you access to databases, which is a security issue. The oinstall group gives you access to the Oracle Inventory.