Share the RDC Directory for Image Access

As part of the Forms Server setup, you need to:

  • Share the directory that stores image files used by the Reports Server for the Patient Data Report and the Oracle Clinical Graphic Layout Editor for DCI Form generation and migration. Name the directory rdc. Its default location is opapps54\html\rdc. Make the directory readable by the account that is used to start up the OPADomain and FRDomain Servers.
  • Enable image browsing by setting values in the Windows system registry

For more information, see:

Sharing the Directory Across Multiple Computers

To share the image directory across multiple machines:

  1. Log in to the Forms Server computer as a user with system administrator privileges.
  2. Select a directory to store the images. The default location is <OPA_HOME>\html\rdc\dcif_images (for example C:\opapps54\html\rdc\dcif_images) but you can select a different location.
  3. Select a directory in that path that you will share. The default directory is <OPA_HOME>\html\rdc (opapps54\html\rdc).
  4. Share that directory. The default share name is rdc.
  5. Make the directory readable by the account that is used to start up the OPADomain and FRDomain Admin Servers that use the Graphic Layout Editor.
  6. Set the related Windows registry settings under \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OHnumber:


    There are two Oracle keys with randomly generated numbers. Only one of them contains these settings.
    • RDC_DCIF_IMAGES: Enter the UNC for the images directory. If you used the above defaults, the value would be:


    • RDC_DCIF_IMAGES_URL: Enter the URL for the same location; for example:


    • RDC_DCIF_IMAGES_BROWSE: Set to Y to enable image browsing or N to disable image browsing.
    • RDC_DCIF_IMAGES_VALIDATE: If this registry variable is set to Y, you must have access to the network location for the directory specified in the RDC_DCIF_IMAGES variable and you must select a file from that directory. In addition, the network location must be inside the firewall.
  7. Put the images that should be available for the Patient Data Report and graphic layouts in the image directory; by default, dcif_images.

Setting Up the Image Directory on a Single Computer

If you have a single Forms server:

  1. Perform the setup in Sharing the Directory Across Multiple Computers except skip sharing the directory (steps 3 and 4 above) and set the RDC_DCIF_IMAGES registry entry to the full path; for example, C:\opapps54\html\rdc\dcif_images.