Error Messages


The Oracle Clinical Conducting a Study guide has a list of batch data load error messages with descriptions of the problem.

This section offers fixes or workaround for the following error messages:

Message: ORA-12223

Full message text:

ORA-12223 TNS: internal limit restriction exceeded

This message may appear in the .log file.

Cause: This error can occur when you submit a job to the server while running the process invoked by selecting Conduct, then Data Extract, and Maintain Views.

Action: Increase the swap space on the PSUB server.

Message: ORA-04020

Full message text:

ORA-04020: Deadlock detected while trying to lock.

Cause: This message may appear when batch validation is running and the user who submitted it switches between production and test modes.

Action: Create a separate test account for each user who needs to switch modes frequently. See Oracle Clinical Menu-Based Security for instructions on modifying menu roles.

Message: Unable to Change Mode

323600 Unable to change to test mode, another session may be connected.

323700 Unable to change to production mode, another session may be connected.

325700 Unable to change to test mode (\0), synonyms not created.

325800 Unable to change to production mode (\0), synonyms could not be dropped.

For each of the above error messages, Oracle Clinical users should check with the administrator. This problem could be due to an RXCSYN package error, missing grants to RXC, or synonym conflicts with your schema objects.

These messages may appear if you switch between production and test modes while having another session open under the same userid. It may also appear if a user submitted a reports job before switching modes, and the reports engine is still associated with that user. The system considers this to be another session by the same user.

To check if you are logged on to more than one session, from SQL, you can enter the command:

  • select username from v$session;

If you do not have access to v$session, consult with a DBA.

In the case of reports jobs, you can prevent future problems by changing the MAXIDLE time of the Reports Server, which controls the length of time a user/engine session is kept open.

To change the MAXIDLE time of the Reports Server:

  1. Open up the report queue manager and select the report queue of concern.

  2. Select Options, then Privileges, and Administrator and log on as administrator.

  3. Choose Queue, then Properties and change the maximum idle time to one minute or some reasonable smaller number (depending on the number of reports, users, and so forth on that queue).

In the case of a user switching modes, you can create a separate test account as described under Message: ORA-04020, above.

Message: ConnectOCL - 970100

See Managing High Sequence Numbers.

Message: PL/SQL Package Body: Looping Synonyms

If procedure generation fails and the parse error displays: "PL/SQL Package Body: Looping Synonyms" the problem is actually that the account RXC_PD does not have a password set. It may have expired due to Oracle Database security settings. To reset these passwords, log into SQL*Plus and enter:

set_pwd rxc rxc_pd

The system prompts for the RXC password and the new RXC_PD password.