Running the Add User Script

Create a database account for the user in each database instance to which the user connects by running the script ocl_add_user.sql in SQL*Plus.

The Add User script prompts you for directories that users may need. You can set these directories up before or after you enter their names in the script. See Setting Up Batch Job File Viewing.

Who Needs PSUB?

The script prompts you to for a response as to whether the user needs PSUB privileges. PSUB is required to:

  • Run batch data load
  • Run batch data delete
  • Run batch validation
  • Generate a default, character-based DCM layout
  • Run the following reports: Randomization Report by Treatment, Patient DCI/DCM Matrix, Generate Study Report, Missing and Overdue DCMs, Investigator Corrs & Missing Pgs, Study/Investigator DCM Summary Matrix, Display Treatment Assignments

PSUB is not required to:

  • Perform basic data entry in either Oracle Clinical or RDC
  • Generate graphic layouts and DCI forms
  • Run most reports, including the Patient Data and Audit History reports


An Oracle Clinical username should not include special characters that will impact PSUB job execution. However, underscore '_' is supported.

Windows operating system database servers will automatically prevent accounts being created with unsupported characters, returning SQL error ORA-00911 if attempting to include such characters when creating a user through the ocl_add_user.sql script. Unix-based operating systems will not prevent the inclusion of special characters and therefore for such environments this restriction must be enforced by the administrator.

For more information, see:

Granting Users Access to the ocpsub Account

Users who need to submit PSUB jobs must have the ocpsub account as a proxy database account for PSUB jobs. To give this access, enter the appropriate information in the ocl_add_user.sql script; see Running the Add User Script.

If you have user accounts you created in Oracle Clinical releases prior to 5.0, you can migrate them to the new PSUB setup by running the migration script oclupg50migrateusers.sql. PSUB users no longer need their own operating system account, and they no longer need an account name beginning with OPS$; see Running the Migrate Users Script.

You can use ocl_grant_revoke_OCPSUB.sql to add or revoke access to ocpsub at any time; see Adding or Revoking OCPSUB Access.

Users with access to ocpsub have the PSUB User? field checked in the Oracle Accounts window. The field is read-only.

About the Add User Script

The ocl_add_user.sql script performs the following tasks:

  • Creates an Oracle database account for the user, with the specified password


    If you use SQL*Plus to create a Oracle Clinical database account, do not use the IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY clause; rather, assign an explicit password.

  • Sets the user's temporary tablespace to "temp" and default tablespace to "users"

  • Grants default Oracle Clinical database roles to the user; you can edit the script to assign additional database roles

  • Grants the RXC_SUPER role for data access to all studies, if specified

  • Grants RXC_RDC and RDC_ACCESS if access to RDC is required

  • Grants the RDC_ONLY role for restricting RDC users to access Oracle Clinical

  • Makes the RXCLIN_MOD role a non-default role

  • Creates a record in the Oracle Clinical table ORACLE_ACCOUNTS

  • Creates the setting you specify for PSUB privileges


You can copy and customize this script, or create different versions of it for different types of users.

For the example, you can change temporary and default tablespaces, provide default values for some parameters instead of entering a value for each user at a prompt.

You can add a call to crusrq.sql to create the USER_QUERIES table (see Setting Up Data Extract Users). You may want to add a role or profile to enforce password requirements; see Setting Password Requirements for User Accounts.

However, if you decide to customize the script, it is important not to modify the line: alter user &&ops_id default role all except rxclin_mod;


You can give users additional database roles directly in SQL*Plus; see Granting Additional Database Roles to User Accounts.

Running the Add User Script

  1. Log on to the operating system.

  2. Set environment variables for the database name and code environment; see Setting Environment Variables on the Command Line

  3. Change to the RXC_TOOLS directory:

    cd $RXC_TOOLS

  4. Connect to SQL*Plus as system:

    sqlplus system

  5. Run the Add User script:

    start ocl_add_user.sql

    See running-add-user-script1.html#GUID-1AF62486-3270-4450-A215-5215F2C216DF__CHDICEBA and running-add-user-script1.html#GUID-3A5A3478-9A8C-4F9F-A297-77F508F0FA7E__CHDFEGIF for a description of the prompts output by the Add User script, valid entries, and examples.

Required Parameters

The following table describes the required Add User script parameters.

Table 1-1 Add User Script Required Parameters

Prompt/Equivalent in Oracle Accounts Window Description Rules and Examples

User ID/Account Name

Defines the login name for the user. Names are not case sensitive.


(Not in the Oracle Accounts window)

Defines the login password for the user. Passwords are not case sensitive. See Changing the Password for a User.

Last Name

/Last Name

Specifies the user's surname (family name). Names are not case sensitive; names are automatically capitalized.


First Name

First Name

Specifies the user's given name. Names are not case sensitive; names are automatically capitalized.


Will this user submit PSUB jobs?/PSUB User?

Y: Account is granted access to ocpsub to submit PSUB jobs.

N: No action


Does this user need access to all users' jobs?

Y: Account is granted role RXC_VWJOBS. Only administrator users should have this role. See Setting Up PSUB Administrator Users

N: No action


Report Server Log Directory

/Report Server Directory

Specifies the designated location for saving output from the Report Server. Required for generating and viewing Patient Data Reports and most Oracle Clinical reports.

You create the directory as part of setting up the Report Server during Oracle Clinical installation, in the section "Set Up (Each) Reports Server for Access and File Viewing" of the Oracle Clinical Installation Guide.

String length cannot exceed 35 characters.

Grant RXC_Super Menu Role (Y/N)

Not in the Oracle Accounts window

Specifies whether to grant superuser menu privileges to this user. With this privilege, the user can access all Oracle Clinical menus. In general, Oracle recommends that you restrict the RXC_SUPER role to system administrators.

This setting does not correspond to a field in the Oracle Clinical accounts table.

Y — Gives superuser menu privileges to this user.

N — Does not give superuser menu privileges to this user. You should always answer N for non-Oracle Clinical users.

Grant Super-User Status to access all studies (Y/N)

/Super User?

Specifies whether to grant superuser status to this user. With this privilege, the user can access all clinical studies in the database, in both Test and Production modes.

This setting corresponds to the Super User? check box in the Oracle Clinical accounts table. You can change this setting and grant access to programs, projects, and studies in the Oracle Accounts window; see Granting Data Access to User and Group User Accounts.

Y — Allows this user to access all clinical studies.

N — By default, the user does not have access to any studies. You must explicitly grant access to particular studies, projects, or programs.

Does user require access to RDC (Y/N)

Not in the Oracle Accounts window

Specifies whether this user can log in to and use the RDC Onsite application.

A Y value grants the RDC_ACCESS and RXC_RDC roles to the user. The RDC_ACCESS role lets the user initiate an RDC Onsite session and the RXC_RDC role lets the user enter and modify data (subject to study- and site-level security privileges).

Y — Lets this user access the RDC Onsite application.

N — Denies access to the RDC Onsite application for this user.

Restrict User access to only RDC (Y/N)

Not in the Oracle Accounts window

Specifies whether or not the user account access will be Restricted to only Remote Data Capture, that is, access to Oracle Clinical and Thesaurus Management System will be prevented.

A Y value grants the RDC_ONLY role to the user, which will prevent the user from accessing Oracle Clinical or Thesaurus Management System.

Y – User access will be limited to Remote Data Capture. Access to Oracle Clinical and Thesaurus Management System will be prevented. Such users will see the below error message if they try to login to these applications:

Your user account access is restricted to RDC only. Should you require access to Oracle Clinical or TMS, please contact your System Administrator

N – No application-level access restrictions are implemented

Note: Adding or removing the RDC_ONLY role to existing users is not possible within Oracle Clinical, and can only be achieved through direct SQL GRANT or REVOKE commands.

Optional Parameters

The following table describes the optional parameters for the Add User script. In addition, you can use the Maintain Oracle Accounts form to manage these optional parameters; see Maintaining Oracle User and Group User Accounts.

Table 1-2 Add User Script Optional Parameters

Prompt/Equivalent in Oracle Accounts Window Description Rules and Examples

Custom Doc Dir

/Custom Help Directory

Specifies the location of your site-specific context-sensitive HTML help files.


Printer for PSUB

/Default PSUB Printer

The printer to which PSUB print jobs are routed, in uppercase. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the PRINT QUEUE NAME Local Codelist.

Required for RDC users only if they run Validate Study or Validate Site.

RXC_PRINTER (This is the default value for the database shipped in the OCL_JOB_PREF Local Codelist.)


/Default PSUB Queue

The designation for the queue in which PSUB batch jobs are executed. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the BATCH QUEUE NAME Local Codelist. Must be entered in uppercase.

Required for RDC users only if they run Validate Study or Validate Site.

RXC_BATCH_QUEUE (This is the default value for the database shipped in the OCL_JOB_PREF Local Codelist.)

Printer for the Report Server

/Default RS Printer

The printer to which print output from a report server job is routed. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the PRINT QUEUE NAME Local Codelist. Must be entered in uppercase.

RXC_PRINTER (This is the default value for the database shipped in the OCL_JOB_PREF Local Codelist.)

Report Server

/Default Report Server

Specify a value to override the system default for a specific user. When the user prepares to submit a report request, this response specifies which report server is offered as the default. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the REPORT_SERVER Local Codelist.

REPORT_SERVER (This is the default value for the database shipped in the OCL_JOB_PREF Local Codelist.)

Job Set Report Server

/Default Job Set Server

When the user prepares to submit a job set request, this response specifies which report server is offered as the default. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the REPORT_SERVER Local Codelist.

Required for RDC users only if they run Validate Study or Validate Site.

REPORT_SERVER (This is the default value for the database shipped in the OCL_JOB_PREF Local Codelist.)

PSUB Scheduler Report Server

/Default PSUB Scheduler Report Server

When the user prepares to submit a scheduled PSUB job request, this response specifies which report server is offered as the default. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the REPORT_SERVER Local Codelist.

Required for RDC users only if they run Validate Study or Validate Site.

REPORT_SERVER (This is the default value for the database shipped in the OCL_JOB_PREF Local Codelist.)