Configuring the DCI Bookmark Label for the Patient Data Report

The following table describes the purpose, parameters, return value, and default logic for the DeriveDocumentNumber function:

  • Function Name: get_dci_label
  • Purpose: Lets you customize the label used for a DCI in the bookmark of the Patient Data Report.

    By default, this function returns the name of the DCI. You may want to customize this function to return the short name or to use the unique dci_id to retrieve a label from another table or system.

  • Parameter: pDciId — Denotes the ID of the DCI.
  • Return Value: Returns the text that is displayed for a DCI in the bookmark of the Patient Data Report.
  • Default Logic: Returns the name of a DCI.
  • Related Functions: get_dcm_label, get_visit_label