Configuring a Timer Period for Subsequent Electronic Signatures

The following table describes the purpose, parameters, return value, and default logic for the DeriveDocumentNumber function:

  • Function Name: htmlde_timeout_mins
  • Purpose: Sets the time period in minutes for when users performing approvals in RDC will need to re-enter their user name.

    The first time a user attempts to approve a CRF in a session, RDC prompts for both a user name and a password. After the first approval, the defined time period starts. During the time period, the user can approve many CRFs. For these subsequent approvals, RDC prompts only for a password.

    When the time period expires, RDC again prompts for both a user name and a password before approving the CRF. The time period then restarts. The user only needs to enter a password on subsequent approvals until the time period expires.

  • Parameters: None.
  • Return Value: Returns an integer that specifies the number of minutes for the time period.
  • Default Logic: 10 (that is, 10 minutes).