Debugging the Patient Data Report

To enable the debugging feature for the Patient Data Report:

  1. Log in to the Reports Server.
  2. Stop the Reports Service.
  3. Open the Windows Registry Editor:
    1. Click Start and then select Run.
    2. Type regedit and then click OK.
  4. Navigate to the following location in the registry:


  5. Create or find the registry key OC_RPT_DEBUG and set its value to Y.
  6. Create or find the registry key OC_RPT_DEBUG_TMP_FOLDER. Set its value to the directory where RDC will create and store the temporary files for debugging the Patient Data Report. For better performance, Oracle recommends setting the value to a directory on the Reports Server.
  7. Restart the Reports Service.
  8. Open RDC and edit the URL to add &debug=all.

    With this setting in the URL, RDC keeps the temporary XML files used to generate the PDR and also writes debug messages in the OPA_DEBUG table.

  9. Submit the request to generate the Patient Data Report.

    When you set OC_RPT_DEBUG = Y, RDC does not delete the records in the following temporary tables when it finishes generating the Patient Data Report:

    • PDR_TEMP

    In addition, RDC does not delete the PDR temporary files stored in the directory defined by the OC_RPT_DEBUG_TMP_FOLDER registry key.

When you are finished debugging the Patient Data Report, be sure to turn off the report debugging feature so your system does not accumulate temporary tables and files for every Patient Data Report generated.

To disable the report debugging feature, return to the Windows Registry Editor and change the value of the registry key OC_RPT_DEBUG to N.


The jlog file is located in the user's Reports Server Log directory. RDC creates this file regardless of the value set for the OC_RPT_DEBUG registry key.