Default Activities for RDC

The following table lists the default activities included in RDC.

Title of the Activity Link Displayed on the Home Page Clicking the Activities linkā€¦ Condition for Display

Review n Active Discrepancies

Opens the Review Discrepancies page and

If there is at least one active discrepancy in the site with an active discrepancy for the current user

Review n Other Discrepancies

Opens the Review Discrepancies page and

If there is at least one other discrepancy in the site with an other discrepancy for the current user

Review non-blank CRFs ready for initial verification

Opens the Review CRFs page and

If there is at least one CRF entered for a site

Review non-blank CRFs ready for initial approval

Opens the Review CRFs page and

If there is at least one CRF entered for a site

Review Investigator comments

Opens the Review Investigator Comments page and

If there is at least one Investigator Comment entered for a patient