Key Concepts for Activities

This section describes the following concepts for activities:

User Roles and Activities

You can define an activity for a user role, a set of user roles, or all roles. If you specify one or more roles, the activity is applicable only to users with one of the specified roles. For example, if an activity list is set up for the DM role, the activity list defined would come up for all users to whom the DM role is granted.

Types of Activities

Each activity is a pre-defined shortcut that RDC displays as a link. There are two types of activities:

  • Procedure — A procedure activity executes the defined query, navigates to the appropriate RDC page, and displays only those patients or CRFs that meet your defined search criteria. You use this type of activity for procedure-based tasks.
  • URL — A URL activity launches a browser instance, opens a new browser window, and automatically navigates to the Web page associated with the URL you specified. You use this type of activity for URL-based tasks.

Scope of Activities

For RDC, the activity scope determines the page navigation. You can define an activity to navigate to the Review CRFs page, the Review Discrepancies page, the Review Investigator Comments page, or a Web page.

Additionally, RDC always processes a procedure activity for the current site. Therefore, the scope does not define whether the activity is applicable to a specific study, site, or patient.