Stop Processes

Before you start to upgrade your system to Oracle Clinical 5.4, complete the preliminary tasks described in this section:


Stop PSUB on the database.

To stop PSUB on UNIX:

The preferred way to stop the PSUB service is with a utility, from the opapps account, after setting the correct environment. The TNS_ADMIN environment variable must be set to the location of the sqlnet.ora file. The Installer puts sqlnet.ora in the opapps Home directory; see Setting TNS_ADMIN on UNIX in the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide.

If you are upgrading from a release lower than 5.0

  1. Log in to the operating system of the local computer with the rxcprod account.
  2. Set the environment variables for the database and code environment.
  3. Enter the following command:
    stop_psub database_name code_environment


    Enter rxcprod_password, if prompted.

If you are upgrading from Release 5.0.x

Use the echo command to check the setting, then stop PSUB.

  1. Log in to the operating system of the local computer in the opapps account.
  2. Set the environment variables for the database and code environment.
  3. Enter the following command:
    echo $TNS_ADMIN
    setenv TNS_ADMIN $OPA_HOME
    stop_psub database_name code_environment Wallet_alias

To stop PSUB on Windows:

  1. Navigate to the Services control panel.
  2. Highlight the PSUB service.
  3. Click Stop.

Prevent Access to Oracle Clinical Databases

You must ensure that no data entry is performed, and no jobs that update data (such as batch validation) run during the upgrade process.

To prevent users from accessing the data:

  1. Place the database in restricted mode.
  2. Provide restricted session access to the following accounts:
    • OPA
    • RXC
    • RXA_DES
    • SYSTEM
  3. After you complete the upgrade, remove the restricted access from the databases and user accounts.