Add a participant

Participants provide daily updates. Location administrators or location staff users can also book medical appointments or tests for participants. To request participation, add the participant account data to the system.

This procedure describes how to add a single participant. To add the account data for many participants at once, see Add multiple participants instead.

After you add a participant, you can send an invitation email immediately or wait for the system to send the invitation overnight or in the morning (using the U.S. Eastern time zone).

If a caregiver provides daily updates for a participant, such as for a participant who is under 18, you can associate the caregiver with the participant when you add the participant.


The link in the invitation expires after 36 hours. Make sure the invitation arrives at a time when the recipient is likely to check their messages. For example, don't invite people using their work email addresses on a Friday afternoon if they won't check their messages until Monday morning.
To add participant account data:
  1. Along the top, select the Participants tab.
  2. Below the row of tabs, select Add Participant.
  3. Complete the fields.
    • Entity: Select the entity to add the participant to.
    • First Name and Last Name
    • External Identifier: Enter the participant's unique identifier from your healthcare system. This value is typically a code that you use to identify the patient across all systems.
    • Medical Record Number
    • Date of Birth
    • Default Language
    • Test Kit Participant: Select Yes if the participant is willing to receive a test kit in the future.
    • Store Biospecimen: Select Yes if the participant gave you permission to store their biospecimens.
    • Future Contact: Select Yes if the participant has given you permission to contact them after their participation in Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System ends.
    • Notification Preference: Select Email to send all messages over email; send Mobile to send all messages by SMS (text message); or select Both for both email and text.
    • Email and Mobile Phone Number
    • Address, City, and Zip
  4. Select Add Participant.
  5. In the Responsible Party dialog box, select the person who provides daily updates for the participant--the participant or a caregiver.
  6. Perform one of the following steps:
    • If you selected Self, select Return to Participant Details.
    • If you selected Caregiver, select Continue and complete the following steps:
      1. In the Person Assignment dialog box, enter the caregiver's email address and mobile number. If the caregiver is also a participant, enter the external identifier.
      2. Click Next.

        Any existing participants or caregivers who match the information you entered appear below Select Caregiver.

      3. If you see the caregiver name below Select Caregiver, select Select to the left of the caregiver name. Otherwise, select Add New Caregiver.
      4. Review or enter the fields for the caregiver and select Add Caregiver.
The system adds the participant (and caregiver if you specified one).