Plan your implementation

When preparing to adopt Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System, spend some time considering what to do with the data that you collect.

Expect attentive service from your Oracle Customer Success manager, who is your planning and implementation partner. They walk you through every step of the planning process and ensure a successful and effective implementation for your organization.

Here are some questions to consider as you prepare for conversations with your Oracle Customer Success manager.

1. Which populations do you want to monitor?

When planning your implementation, start by thinking about the populations that you want to monitor. For example:
  • If your organization is a hospital system, do you want to monitor just patients of a single hospital? Patients of multiple hospitals? What about employees and employees' families?
  • If your organization is a drug store chain, do you want to monitor just pharmacy customers? All customers? What about employees and their families?
  • If your organization offers elder care, do you want to monitor just assisted living residents, or all residents? What about caretakers, administrative, and other staff?

The populations that you identify are the participants that you add to Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System. You need contact information for the participants, including their first and last names, email addresses, and ideally their mobile phone numbers, as well as their dates of birth. If caregivers provide details for participants, such as children under the age of 18, you need to collect the same information for the caregivers.

You can start collecting this information at any time.

2. How do you want to analyze the data?

You know the population to monitor. Now it's time to think about how you want to analyze the data that is collected.

For example:

  • If your organization is a hospital system, do you want to analyze patient groups separately? For instance, do you want to analyze pediatric, adult, and geriatric patients separately? Or perhaps you want to monitor patients by hospital. For example, women and children patients, emergency patients, and so on. Do you want to analyze employee data separately from patient data? If you're monitoring employees' families, do you want to analyze them as a single group, or do you want them to be divided into multiple groups?
  • If your organization is a drug store chain, do you want to analyze pharmacy customers separately from non-pharmacy customers? Do you want to analyze customer data separately from employee data?
  • Do you want to analyze participants who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 separately from those who haven't been vaccinated?

Your plans for data analysis drive the method for organizing participants. Your groupings of participants are called entities in Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System. If you identify your plans for data analysis up front, your Oracle Customer Success manager can ensure that your participants are loaded and grouped into entities that support your data analysis needs. Additionally, the dashboard views in the system will offer curated views into the participant data that is collected.

3. Who is responsible for the populations you're monitoring?

You know the populations that you want to monitor and your plan for analyzing the data. Now it's time to identify your stakeholders:

  • The individuals who are responsible for each of the populations.

    This person or team has the light-touch but critical role of monitoring the population groups. They must periodically review the data for anomalies and then act on the data.

  • Any individuals who need to be included or informed.

    For instance, if a population group has a dedicated practitioner who isn't going to be monitoring the group, the person might want to be informed about the new system, even if their workload isn't going to change.

  • The individual who takes responsibility for adding personally identifiable information (PII) into the system and who can grant the system the authority to contact the participants.

    This individual, typically a corporate attorney or executive sponsor, signs the service agreement on behalf of your organization.

After you identify your stakeholders, we recommend showing them the value that Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System offers to them and the populations so that you can ensure a successful implementation.

4. Who will implement your vision?

You've identified your participants, determined how to analyze the data, and found the individuals who are responsible for your populations. Now it's time to build a team that implements your vision.

Your team must contain at least one person who works for your organization. You can also involve individuals from the entities in your organization, such as the individual hospitals in a hospital system or individual stores in a drug store chain.

This team is responsible for coming up with a plan for adding your participants to the system, implementing the plan, and interacting with the system going forward. If you've already signed a service agreement, you can start working in your production environment right away. If you haven't signed a service agreement yet, you can get access to a test system, if you'd like.

If you plan to customize the emails that participants and their caregivers receive, you must identify individuals with specialized skills, including the ability to code the HTML for the custom email templates and the ability to translate the custom email templates into Spanish.