Survey options

In addition to the daily update, which most participants complete, you can create one or more additional custom surveys for some or all participants.

The surveys in Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System offer powerful insights into the events that are happening in your participants' lives. And because every survey is backed by its own database, data analysis is easy and fast. For instance, you can collect participant information over a weekend and produce reports and graphics on the data when you return to work on Monday.

Keep reading to learn more about the survey options, including their types, levels, and frequency.

Survey types

Type of survey Person who completes it Description

Standard daily


Oracle maintains the questions in the standard daily survey. Most participants complete this daily update.

Custom daily


A custom daily survey lets you customize the questions in the daily update.

A participant completes either the standard or custom daily, never both of them.



A supplemental survey contains questions that participants complete in addition to the standard or custom daily survey.

For example, you can create a supplemental survey to capture information about whether participants participated in non-household gatherings and exercised safeguards during a holiday weekend.


Practitioner on behalf of a participant

An in-office survey is a survey that a practitioner completes for a participant, usually as part of an in-office or telehealth visit.

Create an in-office survey for information that is best collected from a practitioner in an office situation, such as information that might require medical interpretation.

After a practitioner completes the in-office survey for a new participant, you can invite the participant to complete the daily update going forward.


Organization coordinators and location users can access in-office surveys of deceased participants and update them, if necessary.


Practitioner on behalf of a participant

An on-demand survey is a survey that a practitioner completes for a participant after an event has occurred.

Create an in-office survey for information that is best collected from a practitioner in an office situation, such as information that might require medical interpretation.

Your Oracle Customer Success manager can help you identify the right survey to use for your data-collection needs.

Survey levels

With the exception of the standard daily survey, which is generally available to all participants, you can create all of the surveys at the following levels:

  • Organization: For all participants in the organization.
  • Entity: For all participants in one entity.

If you create the same type of survey at multiple levels, the lowest-level survey overrides any higher-level surveys. For example, if you create two supplemental surveys, one for the organization and another for Entity A, participants in Entity A complete the entity-level supplemental survey, while participants in Entity B complete the organization-level survey.

These different survey levels allow you to collect targeted information from your population groups. For instance, consider a scenario in which you move individuals who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 into a separate entity. (An entity is a group of participants.) You might create a custom daily survey for the vaccinated individuals so that you can collect appropriate information from this group and so that participants remain engaged with survey questions that are appropriate for them.

Work with your Oracle Customer Success manager to figure out the appropriate levels for your surveys.

Survey frequency

You determine the frequency of your custom surveys. For example, you might want to send the custom daily survey every other day rather than every day.

You can also determine the start date of your surveys.

Reach out to your Oracle Customer Success manager to learn more about the frequency and start date options for surveys.