View and filter the list of participants

The powerful filters on the Participants tab provide enhanced insight into your participant populations.

To filter the list of participants:
  1. Along the top, select the Participants tab.
  2. Perform one of the following steps:
    • To find a single participant, enter search criteria in the Search box above the list of participants. You can search by name, email address, mobile telephone number, and external identifier.
    • To see only participants who meet specific criteria, use the following filters on the left:
      • Entity: Select one or more entities to see only the participants who are associated with those entities.
      • Last Status Update: Select a time frame to see only the participants who provided daily updates within that window.
      • Participant Status: Select a status to see only participants with the status.
      • Healthcare Worker: Select Yes to see only participants who are healthcare workers. Select No to exclude healthcare workers.
      • Test Kit Participant: Select Yes to see only participants who receive test kits. Select No to exclude participants who receive test kits.