7 Security reference information

Application roles for specialized administrators

Give these roles to a few people.

DMW Adapter Security Admin

This role is intended for administrators who assign user groups to adapters to external systems such as InForm. It provides access to the Adapter Security page.

DMW Data Security Admin

This role is intended for administrators who create roles and user groups, and who assign users to roles within user groups. It provides access to the Security page.

DMW Checkin Admin

This role is intended for administrators who should be able to check in an object checked out by another user, for example, if the user leaves the company.

Application roles for user interface access

Each user must have at least one application role to access the DMW user interface. These roles apply across all studies.

DMW System Administrator

This role is intended for users who do administrative tasks including setting up data sources and defining objects used across studies, such as categories, flags, and tags. It provides access only to the Administration page. (Home page access may not be needed because the administrator does not work in studies. The Home page is where you select a study.)

DMW Study Manager

This role is intended for users who run data loads, transformations, and validation checks. It provides access to the Home, Study Configuration, and Data Management pages.

DMW Study Consumer

This role is intended for users who need to review data and create and manage discrepancies. It provides access to the Home and Data Management pages.

DMW Study Configurator

This role is intended for users who set up studies by defining models, transformations, and validation checks. It provides access to the Home, Study Configuration, and Data Management pages.


There is no functional difference between the application roles DMW_STUDY_MANAGER and DMW_STUDY_CONFIG.

DMW Library Administrator

This role is intended for users who create and modify library models and codelists. It provides access only to the Library page.

DMW Database User

This role allows users to log in to the DMW database through a visualization tool to view data in a data model business area. If you assign this role to a user, be sure to also click the link to send an email to the user with their database account name.

Data Blinding-related application roles

Some DMW users should have blinding-related privileges in order to view blinded data or to unblind data. This requires both an application role, which applies to the user in any study, and a blinding-related object security privilege through a role in a user group assigned to a particular study or object in a study.

Since the most commonly used predefined object security roles include object-level access to blinded data and the ability to unblind data, it is very important that you assign these application roles only to users who require them.

DMW Data Blind Break User (Dev, QC, and Prod)

Users with this role can do the following in the corresponding lifecycle stage, if they belong to a user group assigned to the object and in that group have a role with the blinding-related object security privilege noted:

  • Run a program that reads from currently blinded tables and operates on the real data, not the masked or dummy data (also requires an object security role with the Blind Break operation on Table instances).

  • View currently blinded data in the user interface (also requires an object security role with the Blind Break operation on Table instances).

  • View currently blinded data through a visualization tool (requires an object security role with the Blind Break operation on Table instances).

DMW Data Unblind User (Dev, QC, and Prod)

Users with this application role can do the following in the corresponding lifecycle stage, if they belong to a user group assigned to the object and in that group have a role with the blinding-related object security privilege noted:

  • Unblind data in Table instances (also requires an object security role with the Unblind operation on Table instances).

  • Reblind data in Table instances that was previously unblinded (also requires an object security role with the Unblind operation on Table instances).


    The DMW Data Unblind User application role is not required in conjunction with the Read Unblind object security operation.

Predefined object security roles

The roles in this chapter are sample roles provided for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be used for production needs.

Each role includes all blinding-related privileges. However, in order to perform blinding-related operations users must have blinding-related application roles as well; see Data Blinding-related application roles.


The Oracle DMW_STUDY_DEVELOPER object security role is intended for users who configure studies by creating data models and creating and running transformations and validation checks. To test their work, they also need to be able to load data into the development lifecycle area from InForm and files, create custom listings, create and act on discrepancies, assign flags to records, and promote objects from Development to QC and Production. Blinding-related privileges are also included in this role.

Users with this role should have the Oracle DMW_STUDY_MANAGER or Oracle DMW_STUDY_CONFIG application role. If they need to create library data models they should also have the Oracle DMW_LIB_ADMIN application role.

Oracle DMW_STUDY_DEVELOPER allows users to perform the following operations on the specified objects.

Clinical Data Models and Query Builder

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_DEVELOPER role have access to the following operations for clinical data models and the query builder.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Application Area: Create Work Area
  • Application Area: View
  • Domain: Create Data Model
  • Domain: Create Load Set
  • Domain: Create Variable
  • Domain: View
  • Load Set: View
  • Load Set: Modify
  • Load Set: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Load Set: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table: View
  • Table: Modify
  • Table Instance: Modify
  • Table Instance: Remove
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Variable: Modify
  • Variable: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Variable: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Work Area: Create Table Instance
  • Work Area: Create Load Set Instance
  • Work Area: Modify
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Work Area: Delete
  • Work Area: Deploy (Install)
  • Work Area: View
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: Modify
  • Data Model: Delete
  • Data Model: Publish Dev (used to install the Development Work Area)
  • Data Model: Modify Supporting Info
  • Data Model: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Data Model: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Data Model: Create Private Listing
  • Data Model: Create Public Listing

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_DEVELOPER role have access to the following operations for blinded data.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Table Instance: ReadData
  • Table Instance: BlindBreak
  • Table Instance: Unblind
  • Table Instance: ReadUnblind

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_DEVELOPER role have access to the following operation for filters.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Filter: Mark as Public in Dev
Data Lineage Tracing

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_DEVELOPER role have access to the following operations for data lineage tracing.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: View CTX Data Lineage
Transformations and Query Builder

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_DEVELOPER role have access to the following operations for transformations and the query builder.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Application Area: Create Work Area
  • Domain: Create Program
  • Domain: Create Variable
  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Execution Setup: Submit
  • Program: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program: Modify
  • Program: Remove
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Program Instance: Modify
  • Program Instance: Remove
  • Table: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Table Instance: BlindBreak
  • Table Instance: ReadData
  • Table Instance: ReadUnblind
  • Table Instance: Remove
  • Table Instance: Unblind
  • Table Instance: Modfiy
  • Table: Modify
  • Table: Remove
  • Table: View
  • Work Area: Create Program Instance
  • Work Area: Create Table Instance
  • Work Area: Deploy (Install)
  • Work Area: Modify
  • Work Area: Delete
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to QC
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: Load Data in Development
  • Domain: Create Transformation Map
  • Transformation Map: Modify
  • Transformation Map: Delete
  • Transformation Map: View
  • Transformation Map: Modify Validation Status QC
  • Transformation Map: Modify Validation Status Production
  • Transformation Map: Modify Supporting Info
  • Transformation Map: Deploy (Install) in Development
  • Transformation Map: Modify Security
  • Transformation Map: Classify
Discrepancies and Flags

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_DEVELOPER role have access to the following operations for discrepancies and flags.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: Create Manual Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Close Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Send Discrepancy to InForm
  • Table Instance: Send Discrepancy to Spreadsheet
  • Table Instance: Reopen Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Answer Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Cancel Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Add Comment to Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Edit Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Show Discrepancies
  • Table Instance: Assign Flags
Validation Checks

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_DEVELOPER role have access to the following operations for validation checks.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Domain: Create Program
  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Execution Setup: Submit
  • Program: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program: Modify
  • Program: Remove
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Program Instance: Modify
  • Program Instance: Remove
  • Table: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Table: Modify
  • Table: Remove
  • Work Area: Create Program Instance
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: Create VC Batch
  • VC Batch: Modify
  • VC Batch: Delete
  • VC Batch: View
  • VC Batch: Modify Validation Status QC
  • VC Batch: Modify Validation Status Production
  • VC Batch: Modify Supporting Info
  • VC Batch: Deploy (Install) in Development
  • VC Batch: Submit in Development
  • VC Batch: Submit Individual VC in Development
  • VC Batch: View Listings in Development

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_DEVELOPER role have access to the following operations for InForm clinical data models.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Application Area: Create Program
  • Load Set Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Program Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Program: Modify
  • Program Instance: Modify
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: Load Data in Development
  • Data Model: Load InForm Metadata
  • Web Service Location: Modify Web Service Location
  • Web Service Location: Create Connection
File Watcher

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_DEVELOPER role have access to the following operations for the File Watcher.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: File Watcher Config
  • Data Model: Data Load DEV


The Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC object security role is intended for users who conduct formal testing of study objects including data models, transformations, and validation checks. They also need the ability to load data into the Quality Control lifecycle area from InForm and files, create custom listings, create and act on discrepancies, and assign flags to records. Blinding-related privileges are also included in this role.

Users with this role should have the Oracle DMW_STUDY_MANAGER or Oracle DMW_STUDY_CONFIG application role.

Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC allows users to perform the following operations on the specified objects.

Clinical Data Models and Query Builder

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC role have access to the following operations for clinical data models and the query builder.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Load Set Instance: Modify
  • Load Set Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Load Set Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table Instance: Modify
  • Table Instance: Remove
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Work Area: Create Table Instance
  • Work Area: Create Load Set Instance
  • Work Area: Modify
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Work Area: Deploy (Install)
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: View
  • Data Model: Publish QC (used to install the QC Work Area)
  • Data Model: Modify Supporting Info
  • Data Model: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Data Model: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Data Model: Create Private Listing
  • Filter: Mark Filter Public QC

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC role have access to the following operations for blinded data.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Table Instance: ReadData
  • Table Instance: BlindBreak
  • Table Instance: Unblind
  • Table Instance: ReadUnblind

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC role have access to the following operations for discrepancies.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: Create Manual Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Close Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Send Discrepancy to InForm
  • Table Instance: Send Discrepancy to Spreadsheet
  • Table Instance: Reopen Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Answer Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Cancel Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Add Comment to Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Edit Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Show Discrepancies

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC role have access to the following operation for filters.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Filter: Mark as Public in QC

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC role have access to the following operations for flags.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: Assign Flags
Data Lineage Tracing

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC role have access to the following operations for data lineage tracing.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: View CTX Data Lineage
Validation Checks

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC role have access to the following operations for validation checks.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Execution Setup: Submit
  • Program: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Table: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Work Area: Create Program Instance
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • VC Batch: View
  • VC Batch: Modify Validation Status QC
  • VC Batch: Modify Validation Status Production
  • VC Batch: Modify Supporting Info
  • VC Batch: Deploy (Install) in Quality Control
  • VC Batch: Submit in Quality Control
  • VC Batch: Submit Individual VC in Quality Control
  • VC Batch: View Listings in Quality Control

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC role have access to the following operations for InForm clinical data models.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Application Area: Create Program
  • Load Set Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Program Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Program: Modify
  • Program: View
  • Program: Modify Validation QC
  • Program Instance: Modify
  • Program Instance: View
  • Program Instance: Modify Validation QC
  • Work Area: Clone
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: Load Data in QC
File Watcher

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC role have access to the following operations for the File Watcher.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: FWR Configuration
  • Data Model: Data Load QC
Transformations and Query Builder

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC role have access to the following operations for transformations and the query builder.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Execution Setup: Submit
  • Program: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Table: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Table Instance: BlindBreak
  • Table Instance: ReadData
  • Table Instance: ReadUnblind
  • Work Area: Create Program Instance
  • Work Area: Create Table Instance
  • Work Area: Deploy (Install)
  • Work Area: Modify
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to QC
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: Load Data in Quality Control
  • Transformation Map: View
  • Transformation Map: Modify Validation Status QC
  • Transformation Map: Modify Validation Status Production
  • Transformation Map: Modify Supporting Info
  • Transformation Map: Deploy (Install) in Quality Control
  • Transformation Map: Modify Pvt Listing
  • Transformation Map: Delete Pvt Listing
  • Transformation Map: View Public Listing


The Oracle DMW_STUDY_PROD role is intended for users who work in the Production environment, including: promoting and installing clinical data models, transformations, and validation checks, loading production data from InForm and files, running transformations and validation checks on production data, reviewing data and creating custom listings, and creating and acting on discrepancies. Blinding-related privileges are also included in this role.

Users with this role should have the Oracle DMW_STUDY_MANAGER application role.

Oracle DMW_STUDY_PROD allows users to perform the following operations on the specified objects.

Clinical Data Models and Query Builder

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_PROD role have access to the following operations for clinical data models and the query builder.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Load Set Instance: Modify
  • Load Set Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Load Set Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Work Area: Create Table Instance
  • Table Instance: Modify
  • Table Instance: Remove
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Work Area: Create Loadset Instance
  • Work Area: Modify
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Work Area: Deploy (Install)
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: View
  • Data Model: Publish Prod (used to install the Production Work Area)
  • Data Model: Modify Supp Info
  • Data Model: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Data Model: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Data Model: Create Private Listing
  • Filter: Mark Filter Public PROD

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_PROD role have access to the following operations for blinded data.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Table Instance: BlindBreak
  • Table Instance: Unblind
  • Table Instance: ReadUnblind
  • Table Instance: ReadData

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_PROD role have access to the following operations for discrepancies.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: Create Manual Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Close Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Send Discrepancy to InForm
  • Table Instance: Send Discrepancy to Spreadsheet
  • Table Instance: Reopen Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Answer Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Cancel Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Add Comment to Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Edit Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Show Discrepancies
  • Table Instance: Create Data Amendment
  • Table Instance: Modify Data Amendment
  • Table Instance: Cancel Data Amendment

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_PROD role have access to the following operation for filters.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Filter: Mark as Public in Prod

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_PROD role have access to the following operations for flags.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: Assign Flags
Data Lineage Tracing

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_PROD role have access to the following operations for data lineage tracing.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: View CTX Data Lineage
Validation Checks

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_PROD role have access to the following operations for validation checks.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Execution Setup: Submit
  • Program: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Table: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Work Area: Create Program Instance
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • VC Batch: View
  • VC Batch: Modify Validation Status QC
  • VC Batch: Modify Validation Status Production
  • VC Batch: Modify Supporting Info
  • VC Batch: Deploy (Install) in Production
  • VC Batch: Submit in Production
  • VC Batch: Submit Individual VC in Production
  • VC Batch: View Listings in Production

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_PROD role have access to the following operations for InForm data.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Application Area: Create Program
  • Load Set Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Program: Modify
  • Program: Modify Validation PROD
  • Program Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Program Instance: Modify
  • Program Instance: Modify Validation PROD
  • Work Area: Clone
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: Load Data in Production
File Watcher

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_PROD role have access to the following operations for the File Watcher.

Oracle DWM Object Operations

  • Data Model: FWR Configuration
  • Data Model: Data Load PROD
Transformations and Query Builder

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_PROD role have access to the following operations for transformations and the query builder.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Execution Setup: Submit
  • Program: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Table: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Table Instance: BlindBreak
  • Table Instance: ReadData
  • Table Instance: ReadUnblind
  • Work Area: Create Program Instance
  • Work Area: Create Table Instance
  • Work Area: Deploy (Install)
  • Work Area: Modify
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to QC
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: Load Data in Production
  • Transformation Map: View
  • Transformation Map: Modify Validation Status QC
  • Transformation Map: Modify Validation Status Production
  • Transformation Map: Modify Supporting Info
  • Transformation Map: Deploy (Install) in Production
  • Transformation Map: Modify Pvt Listing
  • Transformation Map: Delete Pvt Listing
  • Transformation Map: View Public Listing


The Oracle DMW_STUDY_ADMIN object security role is intended for superusers. It includes the object-related roles that Oracle DMW_STUDY_DEVELOPER and Oracle DMW_STUDY_QC have, plus administrator privileges including creating studies and study categories, setting up connections to InForm and File Watcher locations, and assigning user groups to objects such as data models, transformations, and validation checks. Blinding-related privileges are also included in this role.

Users with this role should have the Oracle DMW_STUDY_MANAGER or Oracle DMW_SYS_ADMIN application role.

Oracle DMW_STUDY_ADMIN allows users to perform the following operations on the specified objects.

Clinical Data Models and Query Builder

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_ADMIN role have access to the following operations for clinical data models and the query builder.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Application Area: Manage Security
  • Application Area: Create Work Area
  • Application Area: Create Program
  • Domain: Create SubDomain
  • Domain: Modify
  • Domain: Delete
  • Domain: Manage Security
  • Domain: Create Load Set
  • Domain: Create Variable
  • Domain: Create Program
  • Domain: Create Data Model
  • Domain: Create Transformation Map
  • Table Instance: Manage Security
  • Work Area: Manage Security
  • Work Area: Create Table Instance
  • Work Area: Create Load Set Instance
  • Work Area: Modify
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Work Area: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Work Area: Delete
  • Work Area: Deploy (Install)
  • Work Area: Create Program Instance
  • Variable: Modify
  • Variable: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Variable: Modify Val Status to PROD
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: Create Private Listing
  • Data Model: Create Public Listing
  • Data Model: Modify
  • Data Model: Delete
  • Data Model: Deploy (Install) Model in Dev/QC/Prod
  • Data Model: Modify Supporting Info
  • Data Model: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Data Model: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Data Model: Create VC Batch
  • Data Model: Load Data in Dev/QC/Prod
  • Data Model: Manage Security
  • Data Model: Configure InForm
  • Data Model: Load InForm Metadata
  • Filter: Mark Filter Public Dev
  • Filter: Mark Filter Public QC
  • Filter: Mark Filter Public Prod

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_ADMIN role have access to the following operations for discrepancies.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: Create Manual Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Close Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Send Discrepancy to InForm
  • Table Instance: Send Discrepancy to Spreadsheet
  • Table Instance: Reopen Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Answer Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Cancel Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Add Comment to Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Edit Discrepancy
  • Table Instance: Show Discrepancies
  • VC Batch: Modify
  • VC Batch: Delete
  • VC Batch: View
  • VC Batch: Modify Validation Status Production
  • VC Batch: Modify Supporting Info
  • VC Batch: Deploy (Install) in Development/QC/Prod
  • VC Batch: Submit in Development/QC/Prod
  • VC Batch: Submit in Individual VC in Development/QC/Prod
  • VC Batch: View Listings in Development/QC/Prod

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_ADMIN role have access to the following operations for flags.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: Assign Flags

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_ADMIN role have access to the following operations for filters.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Filter: Mark as Public in Dev
  • Filter: Mark as Public in QC
  • Filter: Mark as Public in Prod
Data Lineage Tracing

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_ADMIN role have access to the following operations for data lineage tracing.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: View CTX Data Lineage
Validation Checks

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_ADMIN role have access to the following operations for validation checks.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Execution Setup: Manage Security
  • Program: Manage Security
  • Program Instance: Manage Security
  • Program: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program: Modify
  • Program: Remove
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Program Instance: Modify
  • Program Instance: Remove
  • Table: Manage Security
  • Table: View
  • Table: Modify
  • Table: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Table: Remove
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • VC Batch: Manage Security
  • VC Batch: Modify
  • VC Batch: Delete
  • VC Batch: View
  • VC Batch: Modify Validation Status Production
  • VC Batch: Modify Supporting Info
  • VC Batch: Deploy (Install) in Development/QC/Prod
  • VC Batch: Submit in Developmene/QC/Prod
  • VC Batch: Submit in Individual VC in Development/QC/Prod
  • VC Batch: View Listings in Development/QC/Prod

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_ADMIN role have access to the following operations for InForm.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Adapter Area: Create Remote Location
  • Adapter Area: Create Web Service Location
  • Connection: Modify
  • Connection: Delete
  • Remote Location: Modify
  • Remote Location: View
  • Remote Location: Create Connection
  • Remote Location: Delete
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: Configure InForm
  • Data Model: Load InForm Metadata
  • Web Service Location: Modify Web Service Location
  • Web Service Location: Create Connection
  • Web Service Location: Delete Web Service Location
  • Web Service Location: View
File Watcher

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_ADMIN role have access to the following operations for the File Watcher.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Data Model: FWR Configuration
Transformations and Query Builder

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_ADMIN role have access to the following operations for transformations and the query builder.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Application Area: Manage Security
  • Domain: Manage Security
  • DataModel: Manage Security
  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Execution Setup: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Execution Setup: Submit
  • Execution Setup: Manage Security
  • Program: Manage Security
  • Program: Manage Security
  • Program: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program: Modify
  • Program: Remove
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Program Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Program Instance: Create Execution Setup
  • Program Instance: Modify
  • Program Instance: Remove
  • Table: Manage Security
  • Table Instance: Manage Security
  • Table Instance: Modify
  • Table Instance: Remove
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to QC
  • Table Instance: Modify Val Status to PROD
  • Table Instance: ReadData
  • Table Instance: BlindBreak
  • Table Instance: Unblind
  • Table Instance: ReadUnblind
  • VC Batch: Manage Security
  • Work Area: Manage Security
Oracle DMW Object Operations
  • Transformation Map: Modify Private Listing
  • Transformation Map: Delete Private Listing
  • Transformation Map: Modify Public Listing
  • Transformation Map: View Public Listing
  • Transformation Map: Delete Public Listing
  • Transformation Map: Manage Security for Public Listing
  • Transformation Map: Modify Val Stat QC for Public Listing
  • Transformation Map: Modify Val Stat PROD for Public Listing
  • Transformation Map: Modify Supporting Info
  • Transformation Map: Modify
  • Transformation Map: Delete
  • Transformation Map: View
  • Transformation Map: Modify Validation Status QC
  • Transformation Map: Modify Validation Status PROD
  • Transformation Map: Modify Supporting Info
  • Transformation Map: Deploy (Install) in Development/QC/PROD
  • Transformation Map: Modify Security
  • Transformation Map: Classify


The Oracle DMW_STUDY_INST_ACCESS role is intended for users who require only View access to data and discrepancy listings. Blinding-related privileges are also included in this role.

Users with this role should have the Oracle DMW_STUDY_CONSUMER application role.

The Oracle DMW_STUDY_INST_ACCESS role allows users to perform the following operations on the specified objects.

Clinical Data Models and Query Builder

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_INST_ACCESS role have access to the following operations for clinical data models and the query builder.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Domain: View
  • Data Model: View
  • Table Instance: View
  • Work Area: View

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_INST_ACCESS role have access to the following operations for blinded data.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Table Instance: ReadData
  • Table Instance: BlindBreak
  • Table Instance: Unblind
  • Table Instance: ReadUnblind

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_INST_ACCESS role have access to the following operations for discrepancies.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: Show Discrepancies
Data Lineage Tracing

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_INST_ACCESS role have access to the following operations for data lineage tracing.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Table Instance: View Data Lineage Tracing
Validation Checks

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_INST_ACCESS role have access to the following operations for validation checks.

Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • VC Batch: View
  • VC Batch: View Listings in Development

Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_INST_ACCESS role have access to the following operations for transformations.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Table Instance: BlindBreak
  • Table Instance: ReadData
  • Table Instance: ReadUnblind


This role has the privileges required to configure the link to InForm for an input clinical data model.


Users assigned the Oracle DMW_STUDY_INFORM_CONFIG role have access to the following operations for InForm clinical data models.

Oracle LSH Object Operations

  • Adapter Area: Create Remote Location
  • Adapter Area: Create Web Service Location
  • Connection: Modify
  • Remote Location: Create Connection
  • Remote Location: Modify
Oracle DMW Object Operations

  • Domain: Create Data Model
  • Data Model: InForm Config
  • Data Model: Modify Data Model
  • Data Model: Delete Data Model


Most operations are self-explanatory. A few that may not be:

  • Manage Security is required to assign user groups to an object (functional area).

  • Modify Validation Status Production/QC is required to promote an object to a higher validation status, either Production or Quality Control.

    Supporting information is documentation uploaded to justify promotion to a higher validation status.

  • Deploy (found in the Transformation Maps functional area) is required for users who create and test transformations and validation checks.

  • Users who create and test clinical data models, transformations, validation checks, custom programs, and custom listings need the install operation on Work Areas.

  • The data amendment operations on table instances are not used in DMW .

Operations required to view data and manage discrepancies

  • On the Table Instance functional area:

    • View, View Data, View Data Lineage on Custom Listing, and the appropriate discrepancy-related operations.

    • As appropriate: View Unblinded Data, Unblind Data, and/or Blind Break to view currently blinded data.

  • If the user should be able to create custom listings, he or she also needs:

    • On Application Areas: Create Program, Parameter, Variable, and Table

    • On Work Areas: Create Program Instance and Table Instance, Install, Modify, and View

    • On Execution Setups: Submit

Object ownership

Figure 7-1 represents the relationships among objects in DMW. Object-owning relationships affect which user groups can access which objects. If a user group is assigned to an object, the user group gains access to all objects contained in that object by inheritance. You can explicitly revoke this inherited access, which also revokes access to any objects contained in that object.