4 Study monitoring

The following tasks describe how to manage ongoing studies. For example, it includes steps to monitor, suspend, and resume study File Watchers. It also describes how to view, cancel, and suspend scheduled jobs. See the following topics for details.

Monitor, suspend, and resume study File Watchers

  1. Click the Navigation icon Icon shows a computer monitor. at the top of any page and then click Administration.
  2. Click the File Watcher tab.
  3. Select a study file watcher. Each study has one watcher for each lifecycle stage. You can see the lifecycle stage in the File Specifications pane.
  4. Check the Watcher Status.
    • If it is Running, you can click the Icon is two parallel vertical lines.Suspend Watcher icon to suspend it.

    • If the Watcher is Suspended, click the Icon is a forward arrow triangle.Resume icon to resume it.

  5. Check the DP Server Status. If it is Offline, the Watcher cannot run, even if its status is Running. To start it, follow instructions in the LSH Administrator's Guide.


The study configurator can also suspend and resume File Watchers.

View file specifications for study File Watchers

If a data file is not loaded as expected, the problem may be that the file is not named as required by the file specification for the study/clinical data model/lifecycle combination. The study configurator creates file specifications.

  1. Click the Navigation icon Icon shows a computer monitor. at the top of any page and then click Administration.
  2. Click the File Watcher tab.
  3. Select a study file watcher. Each study has one watcher for each lifecycle stage. You can see the lifecycle stage in the File Specifications pane.
  4. Check the file specification in the File Name column against the actual file name in the Home page, Files Not Processed tab.
    • The file specification is case-sensitive.

    • File specifications must use the POSIX standard Extended Regular Expression syntax. An asterisk (*) in POSIX syntax matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding character. A dot (.) means "any single character."

      For example, in the file specification CentralLab_.*.zip, where the upload date is expected after the underscore (_), the dot plus asterisk (.*) after the underscore means "any character or no characters."

      For more information, see https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28286/ap_posix001.htm.

Monitor validation check discrepancies sent to the source data system

Validation checks with an Initial Action set to Send to System immediately send discrepancies they create to InForm or another source data system as queries. To check the status of this operation:

  1. Click the Navigation icon Icon shows a computer monitor. at the top of any page and then click Administration.
  2. Click the Validation Checks tab.
  3. Select a study and lifecycle stage.

    For each source data system, DMW displays counts for the selected study and lifecycle stage:

    • Processing forSystem shows the number of validation check discrepancies currently being sent to the system.

    • Failed Processing forSystem shows the number of discrepancies that should have been sent to the system but weren't.

  4. If any discrepancies failed to be sent, click the Icon shows a refresh arrow and exclamation point. Reprocess Discrepancies icon to send them again. Click the Icon is a near circular arrow. Refresh icon to see progress.

    Reprocessing is also available in the Home page, Validation Checks tab.

View, cancel, and suspend scheduled jobs

  1. Click the Navigation icon Icon shows a computer monitor. at the top of any page and then click Administration.
  2. Click the Scheduled Jobs tab.
  3. Enter search criteria:
    • Lifecycle: (Optional) Select from the drop-down list.

    • Study Name: Enter part or all of the study name.

    • User Name: Enter part or all of the ID of the user who scheduled the job.

  4. Click Search. The system displays all pending jobs for data loads, transformations, and validation checks.
  5. You can filter by entering values in the blank field above any column. If the blank fields are not displayed, click the Icon is a funnel in front of data. Query By Example icon.
  6. To cancel or suspend one or more jobs, select the job(s) and:
    • Click the Icon is an X. Cancel All Jobs icon. This applies to transformation, validation check batch, and data load jobs.

    • Click the Icon is two parallel vertical lines. Suspend Job(s) icon. This applies to data load jobs.


This pane displays currently scheduled jobs. After a job has been canceled or suspended here or elsewhere, it no longer appears.

The exception is that File Watcher Specifications that are current and not explicitly suspended are still displayed even if they are not running because the corresponding Study File Watcher is suspended. If the Study File Watcher is resumed, these File Watcher Specifications resume.

You cannot reschedule jobs in the Administration page. Do so:

  • For transformations and validation checks, in the Home page.

  • For data loads, in the Clinical Data Models page under Study Configuration.

View past and current job executions

Use this page to query for jobs that have already run and jobs that are currently running. You can cancel jobs that are in progress.

  1. Click the Navigation icon Icon shows a computer monitor. at the top of any page and then click Administration.
  2. Click the Job Execution tab.
  3. To find jobs:
    • Query in the Search Jobs pane. To search by date, job status, or submitting user, click Advanced.

    • To filter results further, enter a string in the blank field above any column. If the blank fields are not displayed, click the Icon is a funnel in front of data. Query By Example icon.

  4. To cancel a job, select it and click the Icon is an X. Cancel icon. You can only cancel jobs that currently have the status In Progress or Executing.

Use tracing and logging

Use this page to turn on either logging (debugging) or tracing, either for a particular user or all users. When a user logs in while tracing or logging is running for any user or systemwide, a message appears at the top of every page notifying them that diagnostics are running.

Turn on tracing or logging

Logging and tracing begin for each user when he or she logs in after the request has been made. They begin immediately for your own session.

  1. Click the Navigation icon Icon shows a computer monitor. at the top of any page and then click Administration.
  2. Click the Tracing and Logging tab.
  3. Click the Icon is a plus sign. Add Session icon.
  4. Session Type: Select either Logging or Tracing.
  5. Session Scope: Select either System (all users) or User.
  6. If you selected User, select the user from the User drop-down.
  7. If you selected Tracing for a particular user, enter a trace file identifier string to help you find the file on the database server.

    Logging data is written to the table CDR.CDR_EXE_DEBUG.

Locate the trace file

The trace file is generated on the database server. Its location and name are in the TRACEFILE column of the system view V$PROCESS. Use the following query to fetch this and other useful information:

select s.sid,s.serial#,s.audsid,s.username,s.osuser, s.client_identifier, s.sql_trace,s.action, p.spid, p.TRACEFILE
from v$session s,v$process p
where s.paddr=p.addr
and s.username is not null;

The username for nonbatch jobs is CDRRUN and the client_identifier is the DMW username of the user whose session is traced. If tracing is running for a particular user, the trace file identifier is appended to the trace file name just before the .trc extension.

Turn off tracing or logging

When tracing or logging is turned off, the job is no longer displayed in this page.

  1. Click the Navigation icon Icon shows a computer monitor. at the top of any page and then click Administration.
  2. Click the Tracing and Logging tab.
  3. Select the process you want to stop.
  4. Click the Icon is an X.Cancel Session icon.
  5. For user logging or tracing, the user must log in again to end the process.


    When you stop the process, the record, including the file name, is no longer displayed.

Truncate logging data

To delete all logging data from the database:

  1. Click the Navigation icon Icon shows a computer monitor. at the top of any page and then click Administration.
  2. Click the Tracing and Logging tab.
  3. Make sure no logging processes are currently running.
  4. Click the Icon is a small X with a data sheet.Truncate Log Data icon.

Set up data visualizations

You can integrate an external data visualization tool so that users can view data graphically and interactively with the protection of DMW security and blinding access privileges, one clinical data model at a time. Requirements:

  • The study configurator must select the Business Area option when he or she creates or modifies a clinical data model. The system then generates a Business Area object in the database containing views of all tables in the model.

  • Users viewing DMW data in a visualization tool must have a database account and must log into the visualization tool using the database account.

  • In hosted releases you must install the visualization tool locally and access your hosted data over your VPN.