Add a web service location for a non-InForm clinical data system

If you are using a clinical data system other than Oracle InForm, define a web service location to enable Oracle DMW to send discrepancies to it and to enable data reviewers to open the external system from DMW to view data and discrepancies there.

  1. Click Shows a computer monitor Navigation from the navigation bar and then click Administration.
  2. Make sure the Data Sources tab is selected, then click the External Data Sources subtab.
  3. Click the Icon is a plus sign.Add Icon.
  4. Enter Web Service Location attributes.
    • Name: Enter any name for the web service location.

    • Data Model Sub Type:

    • Username: The name of the account set up for authenticating DMW web service transactions.

      The suggested name is DMW_AUTH.


      • Do not use spaces or special characters other than underscore (_) in the username or password.
      • The Username and Password fields are not displayed if DMW is installed using HTTP, not HTTPS.
    • Password: Enter the password required for the same user account. The system encrypts the password.

  5. Click OK.