Create object security roles

  1. Log in to Oracle LSH.

  2. Expand the Life Sciences Data Hub node in the main menu on the left or from the Navigator drop-down. Select Roles.

    Or, if Oracle LSH is already open, go to the Security tab and select the Roles subtab.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Enter values in the following fields:

    • Role Name. Enter a unique name for the role to be displayed in the Oracle LSH user interface.

    • Code Value. Enter a unique code for the role to be used internally by Oracle LSH.

    • Description. Enter a description of the role to help group administrators decide if they want to assign the role to a particular user in their user group.

  5. Click Apply. The Manage Roles screen appears. You can query for the role by name to check that it was created successfully.

  6. Set it to Active so that it is available for use:

    1. In the Manage Roles screen, query for the role. The role appears.

    2. Click the icon in the Update column. The Update Role screen appears.

    3. Select Is Active and click Apply. You can assign subtype operations only to Active roles.

Next: Assign roles to operations