Force rederivation

Normally, transformations process only new or changed data. Use the Force Rederivation job to process all data when you have made structural changes related to TMS in an ongoing study such as:

  • Adding columns to target tables to hold derived data.

  • Updating a dictionary to a new version with a different structure from the old one.

  • Changing domain-related settings in the TMS reference codelist TMS_CONFIGURATION.

  1. Go to the Icon is a house. Home page.
  2. Select the study.
  3. Click the Icon shows a pencil.Modify icon at the top of the Studies pane.
  4. In the Modify Study window, click TMS.
  5. Click Force Rederivation. A confirmation message appears because running the job may take a long time. You can still work while it runs.
  6. Click OK.

For information about TMS-DMW data processing, forced rederivation, and DMW data displayed in TMS, see Oracle Thesaurus Management System (TMS) integration.