Monitor, suspend, and resume study File Watchers

  1. Click Shows a computer monitor Navigation from the navigation bar and then click Administration.
  2. Click the File Watcher tab.
  3. Select a study file watcher. Each study has one watcher for each lifecycle stage. You can see the lifecycle stage in the File Specifications pane.
  4. Check the Watcher Status.
    • If it is Running, you can click the Icon is two parallel vertical lines.Suspend Watcher icon to suspend it.

    • If the Watcher is Suspended, click the Icon is a forward arrow triangle.Resume icon to resume it.

  5. Check the DP Server Status. If it is Offline, the Watcher cannot run, even if its status is Running. To start it, follow instructions in the LSH Administrator's Guide.


The study configurator can also suspend and resume File Watchers.