View file specifications for study File Watchers

If a data file is not loaded as expected, the problem may be that the file is not named as required by the file specification for the study/clinical data model/lifecycle combination. The study configurator creates file specifications.

  1. Click Shows a computer monitor Navigation from the navigation bar and then click Administration.
  2. Click the File Watcher tab.
  3. Select a study file watcher. Each study has one watcher for each lifecycle stage. You can see the lifecycle stage in the File Specifications pane.
  4. Check the file specification in the File Name column against the actual file name in the Home page, Files Not Processed tab.
    • The file specification is case-sensitive.

    • File specifications must use the POSIX standard Extended Regular Expression syntax. An asterisk (*) in POSIX syntax matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding character. A dot (.) means "any single character."

      For example, in the file specification CentralLab_.*.zip, where the upload date is expected after the underscore (_), the dot plus asterisk (.*) after the underscore means "any character or no characters."

      For more information, see