Operations required to view data and manage discrepancies

  • On the Table Instance functional area:

    • View, View Data, View Data Lineage on Custom Listing, and the appropriate discrepancy-related operations.

    • As appropriate: View Unblinded Data, Unblind Data, and/or Blind Break to view currently blinded data.


    • Users need the View permission on the Table Instance object to view table names in the Default Listings section of the Listings panel in Oracle DMW.
    • If a user role includes table instance operations to Close Own Discrepancies and Cancel Own Discrepancies and the user needs to close or cancel the discrepancies created by other users, remove those operations from the user role. Then the user (and any users assigned to the same role) can close or cancel their discrepancies and those created by others. (Any operations you remove from a role apply to all users assigned to that role.)

    For more information on modifying the operations for a role, see Assign roles to operations.

  • If the user should be able to create custom listings, he or she also needs:

    • On Application Areas: Create Program, Parameter, Variable, and Table

    • On Work Areas: Create Program Instance and Table Instance, Install, Modify, and View

    • On Execution Setups: Submit