Select Oracle InForm tables and views for use in Oracle DMW

Select tables and views to be available in all studies by default. The study configurator can override these choices.

Internal InForm metadata and operational tables can be used in DMW studies as source tables in data transformations and viewed in the Default Listings page. Any tables and views used in study templates or standard transformations should be included in studies by default. For example, you may need SUBJECTVISITS metadata for structural reference.

The system stores the tables and views in two internal clinical data models:

  • The Metadata model contains tables used by the DMW metadata loading process to create the tables in each InForm input clinical data model.

  • The Operational Data model contains tables that store information collected during the course of the study that supports clinical data, including InForm queries, form state flags, comments, and subject visit information.

  1. Click Shows a computer monitor Navigation from the navigation bar and then click Administration.
  2. Make sure the Data Sources tab is selected, then click the InForm Tables and Views subtab.

    The system displays InForm tables and views alphabetically. To sort by the internal data model they are part of if selected, click the heading of the Internal Data Model column.

  3. Select the tables and views you want to include by default in DMW studies.


    Some tables are required for internal processing and cannot be deselected.

  4. Click the Icon is a floppy drive.Save icon.