Set currency behavior for Staging with Audit tables

If a job using Staging with Audit processing does not load, modify, or delete any records, by default the currency is soft-deleted, making it appear that the job never ran, and the currency is not available for that table for downsteam programs. To change this, set this profile to Yes.

  1. Log in. See Set profiles to determine system behavior.
  2. In the Profile field, enter CDR_SAVE_CURR_STG_TAB: Record currency for Staging table on empty loads
  3. Click Find.
  4. In the Site column, enter:
    • Yes. The new currency is recorded for Staging with Audit tables even when a job makes no data changes. The currency is then available for that table for downstream programs.
    • No (or any other value). No currency is recorded when a job makes no data changes.
  5. In the File menu, select Save and Proceed.