System interaction conflicts and discrepancy statuses

The same data passes through three systems—InForm, DMW, and TMS—and conflicts may occur:

  • An InForm user may update a TMS-originated discrepancy, changing its text or status, or the underlying data. Those changes are loaded as updates into the DMW discrepancy system, triggering TMS autoclassification and passing any new discrepancy text to TMS.

  • State changes in InForm may conflict with the results of autoclassification in TMS. For example, an InForm user might close a discrepancy thinking that the term is a valid one while TMS does not recognize it. In this case, even though the Closed status is loaded into DMW, TMS opens a new discrepancy when autoclassification cannot find a match for the term.

  • TMS classification might overwrite status changes made in InForm.

DMW uses four statuses to help coordinate the interaction of the three systems. The first two are set by the system:

  • TMS Evaluation is set by DMW either when a DMW user adds a comment to a TMS-originated discrepancy (that is not marked as an internal comment) or when an InForm user answers a discrepancy (with or without a data change) and the update is loaded into DMW. The purpose of TMS EVALUATION is to trigger autoclassification on the data again during the next transformation. Without it, autoclassification would run only if there was a data change or if a TMS user had altered the record.

  • TMS in Progress is set by TMS when autoclassification creates or updates an omission. TMS users can manually classify an omission only when its state is TMS IN PROGRESS.

    DMW users cannot update a discrepancy at status TMS IN PROGRESS. If the discrepancy has previously been sent to InForm, InForm users can update it. However, InForm users will not have new data from TMS until the TMS INV Review status is applied.

TMS users can apply the following statuses during omission management or when creating an action:

  • TMS DM Review Prevents TMS users from updating. A DMW user may update with a comment, which sets the discrepancy and omission to TMS EVALUATION so that TMS runs autoclassification on the term during the next transformation.

  • TMS INV Review Sends the discrepancy to InForm for Investigator review and prevents TMS users from updating.