View, cancel, and suspend scheduled jobs

  1. Click Shows a computer monitor Navigation from the navigation bar and then click Administration.
  2. Click the Scheduled Jobs tab.
  3. Enter search criteria:
    • Lifecycle: (Optional) Select from the drop-down list.

    • Study Name: Enter part or all of the study name.

    • User Name: Enter part or all of the ID of the user who scheduled the job.

  4. Click Search. The system displays all pending jobs for data loads, transformations, and validation checks.
  5. You can filter by entering values in the blank field above any column. If the blank fields are not displayed, click the Icon is a funnel in front of data. Query By Example icon.
  6. To cancel or suspend one or more jobs, select the job(s) and:
    • Click the Icon is an X. Cancel All Jobs icon. This applies to transformation, validation check batch, and data load jobs.

    • Click the Icon is two parallel vertical lines. Suspend Job(s) icon. This applies to data load jobs.


This pane displays currently scheduled jobs. After a job has been canceled or suspended here or elsewhere, it no longer appears.

The exception is that File Watcher Specifications that are current and not explicitly suspended are still displayed even if they are not running because the corresponding Study File Watcher is suspended. If the Study File Watcher is resumed, these File Watcher Specifications resume.

You cannot reschedule jobs in the Administration page. Do so:

  • For transformations and validation checks, in the Home page.

  • For data loads, in the Clinical Data Models page under Study Configuration.