Install a transformation

After creating or modifying a transformation, you must install it to make it usable.


Before installing a transformation for the first time, check if another user has checked out the target model and if so, ask that user or an administrator to check it in. The installation process checks out target tables to add auxiliary columns if they have not already been added, and cannot do so if the model is checked out by a user different from the user who is installing the transformation. The transformation installation fails.
  1. In the Study Configuration page, navigate to the transformation, select it, and select one of the following from the Install drop-down:

    • Install upgrades all tables and programs without deleting any data.
    • Full Install drops and replaces all tables and programs, deleting all data. Full installation is not available in the Production lifecycle.


      The options are active only if the transformation is installable:
  2. To see the updated job status in the Install Status field, click the Icon is a near circular arrow. Refresh icon.

  3. To see the log file:

    1. Go to the Home page, Transformations tab.

    2. From the Model drop-down list, select the source clinical data model.

    3. In the Target Model pane, select the model.

    4. Click the icon in the Install Job Log column in the same row.

See What happens during installation? for more details.