Authorize target table data for nonprivileged users

If you are certain that one or all target tables do not contain any unmasked blinded data, so users without special blinding privileges should be able to view all data in the table, authorize the table(s).


Before authorizing, modify all target tables that do contain data that should be hidden by masking values in the appropriate columns, rows, or cells. Do this in the Clinical Data Model page. See Set up data blinding in tables.

To authorize a single table:

  1. Select the table.

  2. Select its Authorize checkbox.

  3. Save the transformation.

To authorize all target tables:

  1. Select Authorize Target Tables from the Actions drop-down.

  2. Save the transformation.


    You cannot undo authorization for all tables at once.

To undo authorization:

  1. Select the table.
  2. Deselect its Authorize checkbox.
  3. Save the transformation.

For more information, see Data blinding and authorization.