
For details on creating a join, see this video:

Two or more source tables feed data to a single target table in a join relationship with a join condition. Column maps in a join relation may have a 1-to-1 or Many-to-1 relation.

  1. Select the source tables and target table and click the Map icon, then select a Transformation Type of Join.
  2. Click the Join icon.
  3. Click the Icon is a plus sign.Add icon.
  4. Select Table 1 (left) and Table 2 (right, also known as the foreign key table) to be joined.
  5. Specify if it is to be an outer join on either the left or right side. Leave the checkbox unselected to create an inner join.
  6. To join more than two tables, click the Icon is a plus sign.Add icon again and define the next join. Also follow the next steps for each pair of tables.
  7. Click the Icon is a plus sign.Add icon in the Join Details pane.
  8. Create the join condition for the Where clause by selecting a column from each table and the operator required.

    To specify additional Join conditions on other columns, click the Icon is a plus sign.Add icon in the Join Details pane again as many times as required.

  9. Click OK.
  10. Click the Map Column icon.
  11. For each unmapped target column either:
    • Select the source column(s) and click the Map icon.

    • Click the Mark as Not Used icon.

  12. Save.