
For details on creating a union, see this video:

All the data in two or more tables is fed into a single target table that is a superset of all columns in the sources. The source tables should have some overlapping content, such as two versions of a Vital Signs form or two lab vendors providing results for the same subject visit.

  1. Select the source tables and target table and click the Map icon
  2. Select Union from the Type drop-down.
  3. Click the Map Column icon.
  4. Select each target column in turn and do one of the following:
    • Select the source column(s) and click Map.


      If only one source column is mapped to a target column, the system adds a null in the code for the other table(s). For example:

      insert into tgt_table1 
      (col1, col2, col3)
      select col1, col2, col3 
      from table1
      union all
      select col1, col2, null
      from table2; 
    • Click the Mark as Not Used icon.

  5. Save.