Define TMS Set columns

Define a TMS Set column for each piece of information to be derived from TMS to DMW for each coded term.

  1. Click Shows a computer monitor Navigation from the navigation bar and then click Administration.
  2. Click the TMS tab.
  3. Select a TMS Set.
  4. Click the Icon is a plus sign.Add icon in the TMS Set Columns pane.
  5. Column Designation: Enter a descriptive name to enable the study configurator to map this TMS Set column to a table column that will store the derived data.
  6. Column Type: Select one:
    • Auxiliary Input: for mapping to a DMW table column that contains auxiliary information required to code data in WHO-Drug Format C, such as the country where the drug is distributed, its form (for example, tablets or coated tablets), or strength.

    • Derived: for mapping to a DMW table column that will hold data derived from TMS.

    • Indicator: for mapping to a DMW table column that contains the indication for which a drug was prescribed. This is used to derive a related high-level term, for example in the Anatomical - Therapeutic - Chemical (ATC) level in WHO-Drug Format C, where the value may vary depending on the indication.

    Each TMS Set also has one column of type Primary. The primary column must be mapped to the column containing items (terms) to be coded.

  7. TMS Level Name: Select the level from which to derive data into the mapped column. The choices include all of the dictionary's defined levels and Dictionary Informative Notes, which may be defined in TMS and contain the dictionary version.
  8. TMS Field: The options vary depending on whether you specified a dictionary level or InFormative Notes.

    If you specified a dictionary level, the TMS Field choices include:

    • TERM: The dictionary term related to the coded term in the selected level.

    • TERM_UPPER: The dictionary term related to the coded term in the selected level, in uppercase.

    The choices also include optional, customizable level details that your company may have defined for the dictionary level in TMS:

    • CATEGORY: A category value defined by your company in TMS.

    • DICT_CONTENT_ID: The unique ID generated by TMS for the dictionary level.

    • DICT_CONTENT_ALT_CODE: An alternate ID for the dictionary level; designed to cross-reference a legacy company dictionary.

    • DICT_CONTENT_CODE: The unique ID of the dictionary level as provided by the vendor. This column is indexed.

    • VALUE_1 through VALUE_4: Four customizable fields can store information about the dictionary level.

    If you specified text Dictionary Informative Notes for TMS Level Name, select:

    • DICTIONARY VERSION: The dictionary version as defined in an Informative Note for the base dictionary in TMS.

    • (RDC ACTION TEXT is not used.)

  9. Click OK.