Custom listings

Custom listings show records that satisfy criteria that you or others set.
  1. After you select a study, click Shows a table with a magnifying glass Data Management in the navigation bar.


    For details on selecting a study, see Select a study from the Home page.
  2. Select Listings from the drop-down menu.
  3. Expand Custom Listings in the left panel. Then, expand a clinical data model from the list.
  4. Select a custom listing to open it.

    To locate a listing, enter part of a listing name in the Search field and click the Icon is a magnifying glass. Search icon.


    • You can choose to show disabled listings by selecting Show disabled CLs under the Search field. Oracle DMW disables listings if they read from a table that is not used in the study.
    • You may need to scroll down to see Custom Listings in the left pane.
    • To view deleted InForm data create a custom listing, but do not install it. The system displays all records that meet the criteria, including deleted records. After you install it, the deleted rows are not displayed. For details on creating a custom listing, see Create a custom listing.