Define query details

  1. After you select a study, click Shows a table with a magnifying glassData Management in the navigation bar.


    For details on selecting a study, see Select a study from the Home page.
  2. Select Custom Listing Manager from the drop-down menu to open the Custom Listing Manager tab.
  3. Click the Add icon Icon is a plus sign. from the Custom Listings header in the left panel to open the Add Custom Listing dialog box.
  4. Enter the appropriate information for the new custom listing in the Name and Description fields.


    Use a name with 25 characters or less to avoid scrolling to see the full name.

  5. Select Authorize access to this listing for users without Blind Break rights if you know that the listing only displays non-blinded data, even though at least one source table contains blinded data. Take care to select columns that do not contain blinded data.

    If any source table is blinded in any way and this setting is not selected, the system blinds the entire target table, so that only users with Blind Break privileges can view any data.

  6. Select Mark as Public to enable all data reviewers to use this custom listing.
  7. Do the following:
    • Continue on to Select columns to display to continue defining your custom listing.
    • Click Test to verify your custom listing. After reviewing the Test Results, click Close.
    • Click OK to close the dialog box and save the custom listing with the details you entered. You can return to this procedure and search for it to continue defining it later.