Delete a filter

To delete a filter, follow these steps:

  1. After you select a study, click Shows a table with a magnifying glass Data Management in the navigation bar.


    For details on selecting a study, see Select a study from the Home page.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select Listings from the drop-down menu to open the listings page. Expand a listing, expand a data model, and select a listing. Then click the Filters tab from the left panel.

    • Select Discrepancies from the drop-down menu to open the discrepancies for the study you selected. The filter panel appears on the left.

  3. In the Saved Filters field, select the filter you want to delete. The fields automatically populate with the criteria saved for the filter. For example, if the filter used a formula, you see it appear in the Advanced Filters field.
  4. ClickShows a trash can iconDelete filter from the top of the Filters panel.
  5. Click Remove when prompted to delete the filter.