Use the DMW user interface to work with objects in the DMW_DOMAIN

  • Recommendation: When working with the DMW_DOMAIN and the DMW_UTILS sub-domain, do only the following in the LSH user interface:
    • Create therapeutic areas as sub-domains of the DMW_DOMAIN
    • In the DMW_UTILS sub-domain:
      • Create custom functions.
      • Store custom program definitions.
      • Create LSH tables and programs that you want to use in your DMW studies.

    For all other tasks, use the DMW user interface.

  • Rationale: Working outside of the DMW user interface to update underlying LSH objects or create objects in DMW's hierarchy is not supported. Doing so can cause:
    • Synchronization issues between DMW and the underlying database objects.
    • Instability in the LSH/DMW environment.
  • Additional information: Never create any objects, including data marts, load sets, tables, programs workflows or business areas in DMW_DOMAIN.

    Provided with the correct security, data stored in DMW is still accessible to domain hierarchy outside the DMW_DOMAIN that can establish Views to DMW_DOMAIN tables. As a result, data marts and other LSH objects can be used against the data that's stored and cleaned in DMW.

    DMW creates all necessary application areas, work areas, programs, tables and additional objects to function as described in the Oracle documentation.