Add an action

An action is an activity that has been identified as contributing to the understanding or resolution of a topic.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Topic Management icon (Topic Management icon).
  2. Click the Topics tab.
  3. Click a topic's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon), and then click Edit.
  4. On the Edit Topic page, select Actions from the left menu.
  5. Click the Add Action link.
  6. Specify values for the fields.
    • Each field is display-only, editable, or required. If a field is required, an asterisk (*) appears next to it and you cannot save the action until you provide a value.
    • Each field accepts text, numeric, or date values, or provides a drop-down list of predefined values that you can select. If a value is not required in such a field you can leave the field blank to indicate no value for the field.
    • Arrow icons may appear after the names of a pair of fields to show that they are a linked pair. For example, if fields for State Linked pair icon and Area Code Linked pair icon appear, the arrows indicate that you must select a value for the State field first and then select a value for the Area Code field. You cannot select an Area Code value first. The values available for Area Code depend on the State you select.

    The fields listed below are standard fields that might appear with the same or different field names.

    Field Description

    Action State

    The progress of the action in the workflow. Action states are defined by your organization to represent expected workflow stages and are specified in the topic workflow configuration.

    Action Name

    Identifying name for the action (required).

    Action description

    Description of the action.

    Assigned to

    User or work team to whom the action is assigned. By default, an action that you add is assigned to you.

    Available users and work teams are determined by the Visible to work team selection.
    • Users: Members of the Visible to work team selection with Edit Topic/Action work team permission.
    • Work teams: All work teams with the Assign to work team property enabled and at least one active member in the Users list.

    Planned completion date

    Date when the action is expected to be complete. If a value is defined for this field, the open action will appear on the Calendar tab.

    Actual completion date

    Date when the action was completed.

    Additional custom fields might also appear.

  7. Click Save.