Add an attachment count column to the Topics or Actions table

You can include an Attachment Count column in the Topics and Actions tables to show the total count of attachments.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Topic Management icon (Topic Management icon).
  2. Click the Topics or Actions tab.
  3. From the Header Action menu (Header Action menu icon), and then click Columns.
  4. On the Columns dialog, move Attachment Count from the Available Columns list to the Selected Columns list.
  5. Click OK.

When you view or edit a specific topic or action, you can view or edit all of its attachments from the Attachments page available from the left menu. The Topic Attachments page or the Action Attachments page provide information about each attachment in a table that might include these standard columns:

Field descriptions—Attachments

Column Description


Unique identifying number for the attachment.

Created By

Name of the user who added the attachment.


Date and time when the attachment was saved.

Modified By

Name of the user who last modified the attachment, including adding comments to the attachment.


Date and time the attachment was last modified.


Type of data saved as an attachment: file, URL, note, or a brief description of the object.

Attachment name

Name of the attachment.

Hover help on an attachment name describing the attachment. For tabular data, if only a certain number of rows were saved (as determined by a site option), the number of rows saved and the total number of rows is shown.

Attachment description

Description of the attachment.

URL address

The URL attached to the topic or action. Applies to URL attachments only.

File name

The name of the file attached to the topic or action. Applies to file attachments only.

The table includes columns for custom fields added by your organization. For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way data displays in the table, see About tables.