Add an email notification rule

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  2. In the Configure System section, click Manage Topic Workflow Configurations.
  3. Click the Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) for a configuration, and then click Manage Email Notification Rules.
  4. To create a rule, click Add Email Notification Rule.
  5. Type the rule name in the Notification rule name text field.
  6. From the Notification reason drop-down list, select the type of activity that triggers the notification. For more information, see Field descriptions—Manage Email Notification Rules page.
  7. From the Send to list, select the recipient names. For more information, see Field descriptions—Manage Email Notification Rules page.
  8. Type a subject for email messages generated for the selected reason.

    You can include field variable in this subject. When the message is generated, the current values replace the field variables of the reference fields.


    You must provide a message subject to save the email notification rule.
  9. Type the message text.

    You can include field variables in this text. When the message is generated, the current values replace the field variables of the referenced fields.

  10. To insert a field variable, click Show Fields.

Before including fields in the message subject or message text, ensure that the resulting emails will not contain sensitive or confidential information.


When you select a field variable, it is inserted at the position of the cursor.