Edit the general information about a topic

On the Edit Topic page, you can make changes to the general information about a topic.


If you have already opened a topic for editing and you try to edit another topic, Oracle Empirica Topics asks you to confirm that any unsaved changes on the other topic you started to edit will be discarded.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Topic Management icon (Topic Management icon).
  2. Click the Topics tab.
  3. Click a topic's Row Action menu ( Row Action menu icon ), and then click Edit.
  4. On the Edit Topic page, select General Information from the left menu.
  5. Enter values in the fields. See the field descriptions below.
  6. Click Save.
  7. (Optional) Edit additional information about the topic by selecting a page from the left-hand navigation pane:
    • To display related topics that are linked to this topic, click Topic Links.
    • To edit public and private comments associated with the topic, click Comments.
    • To edit attachments associated with this topic, click Attachments.
    • To display a list of actions related to this topic, click Actions.
    • To edit the history of this topic, click History.

Depending on your organization’s workflow configuration, the following fields appear in this section. Additional fields, customized by your organization, may also appear. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.

Field descriptions—General Information

Field Description

Visible to work team(s)

The work team or teams whose members can view or act on the topic. Click Browse to display a descriptive list of work teams. If your topic configuration is visible to only one work team, you can click Browse to select the work team.

Topic Name

Name of the topic.

Topic Description

Description that identifies content of the topic.

Current State

State of the topic in the topic workflow. States are specified in the topic workflow configuration to represent your organization's expected workflow for topics.

A topic may require all of its associated actions to be in a final state before you can assign a final state to the topic itself. In this case, a message appears if you try to assign a final state to the topic with actions that are not in a final state.

Assigned to

User or work team to whom the topic is assigned. By default, a topic that you add is assigned to you.

Available users and work teams are determined by the Visible to work team selection.

  • Users: Members of the Visible to work team(s) selection with Edit Topic/Action work team permission.
  • Work teams: All work teams with the Assign to work team property enabled and at least one active member in the Users list.


Free text to filter the topics that appear in a table.

If another user edits a topic at the same time, the first one to save the topic will have their changes saved. The second user will get an error indicating the topic has been changed since the edit session began. In some cases, the General Information section remains visible, allowing the user to print or take a screen shot, so that the information can be re-entered.