How does the background processing job queue for case series work?

A background processing job queue is a temporary container that the application creates on demand when one or more sequential jobs are awaiting background processing. Jobs in the queue run one at a time in the order in which the application added them to the queue. The job queue is specific to your user account, and contains only jobs that you created. You cannot view another user's job queue, even if you are a superuser.

Your queue can hold an unlimited number of jobs. The application adds jobs to your queue when you perform specific case series tasks, as described in What is background processing?. The application can add jobs while a job is running without interrupting that job.

When a background processing job is running, you can view the job queue and the current status of the jobs in your queue by hovering the Background Processing indicator (Background Processing indicator). The Background Processing indicator appears next to your username at the top of the page, and remains visible until there are no unprocessed jobs remaining.

You can also view the current job status for background processing jobs for individual case series on the Case Series page. If Completed appears in the Status column, background processing is complete.

You can cancel Running or In Queue jobs in your background processing queue from individual case series on the Case Series page. If you are a superuser, you can also cancel other users' jobs from these pages.